Health Benefits Of Eggs

Eggs are among the best and most nutritious foods that we can get. They are rich in vitamins, minerals and protein. There are more than a few bad things said about eggs, but they are easy to prepare, delicious and affordable. In reality, by eating up to two eggs each day, we could still maintain our low-fat diet and this won’t have any significant effect in our blood cholesterol level. Eggs are excellent sources of magnesium, iron, copper, selenium, zinc and choline. Protein in eggs is easy to digest; you may also get vitamin B2, iodine, phosphorus, molybdenum, vitamin K, vitamin D and vitamin B5. Eggs can aid people who have anemia, adrenal exhaustion, nervous system disorder, blood clotting problem, digestive disorder, macular degeneration, osteoporosis and others.
One big concern about daily egg consumption is that eggs are quite high in cholesterol level. First of all, you need to know what cholesterol is. It is essentially a fat-like, waxy substance that is produced internally by all animals, including human. Despite its bad reputation, cholesterol is essential for our internal functions. It maintains the integrity of cell walls, produces vitamin D, insulates nerve fiber and supports the secretion of digestive juices and various hormones. In our body, liver produces most of cholesterol that we need and we get the rest from food. All the fat and cholesterol in egg is found inside the yolk, as well as much of the protein. While niacin and riboflavin is found in the egg white, most of the vitamins are also found in the yolk.
The yolk of the egg should contain vitamin A, vitamin D and vitamin E. In fact, only a few foods contain vitamin D naturally and egg yolk is one of them. Other minerals found in the yolk are zinc, calcium, copper, iodine, iron, manganese and phosphorus. The color of the yolk often depends on the chicken feed. As an example, some farms add marigold petals to the chicken feed to enhance the color of the yolk. Chicken that is fed with white cornmeal may produce eggs with nearly colorless yolk. If you want to gain more benefits, you should consider buying Omega Eggs, which provide more Omega 3 fatty acids and fewer saturated eggs compared to regular eggs. When producing Omega eggs, farmers give their eggs feed rich with Omega 3, such as dried algae and flax seed.
While regular eggs contain about 60mg of Omega 3; Omega eggs contain about 350 grams. It means that Omega eggs can help increase the ration of HDL or good cholesterol, compared to LDL or bad cholesterol. In general, Omega 3 is good component, which is needed for brain development and growth. This will allow us to prevent or treat autoimmune diseases, digestive disorders, diabetes, mental health disorders, inflammation, high blood pressure and heart disease. You may also purchase Vitamin Enhanced eggs that provide more vitamin B12, vitamin B6, lutein, folate and vitamin E. You should get much more benefits than regular eggs.