Get Good Health Results with a Daily Cup of Tea

Tea is good and healthy in all seasons and it can be served hot or iced as the weather demands. Besides its taste and refreshment attribute, it has many health benefits too. There are a number of researches that prove that drinking tea could actually improve the health conditions. It is a flavorful way to intake enough fluid into the body each day. You would even like it more when you will know that teas help in protecting teeth, rescue from several heart problems and even stave off cancer.
A major proportion of the population buy tea online in Australia. People consume a variety of teas over there and know that whichever type of tea they consume is going to make a positive difference. All non-herbal teas are made up from the leaves of Camellia Sinensis plant. The processing time of the leaves decides whether you would get green, black or oolong tea.
There are maximum chances of getting Ceylon tea in Australia because people love this kind. The least processed tea is the green tea and it possesses the highest amount of polyphenols and also it is the only tea that contains the polyphenols and catechin. This is the reason why many studies have been made using green tea. There are certain herbal teas that are known for their medicinal values and the soothing effect it causes to the digestive system.
Here are some of the health benefits you can get out of tea: