Before becoming a hairdresser or hair stylist or other beauty pro, it is most important that you have to attend cosmetology school and to do a hair extension courses in order to get the apt training required to get licensed. While choosing a school, there are few information about Cosmetology school that you should gather to make a decision. Here are a few questions that you should ask in each school you contact before taking a decision.
- Will you offer full time or part time courses?
- Will you offer a comprehensive cosmetology program?
- How long it will take to complete Cosmetology program?
What is Cosmetology?
According to the American Heritage Dictionary, Cosmetology refers “the study of Cosmetics and its uses”. This term is used to encompass a beauty medium, including hair, skin, nails and makeup. Many schools offer Cosmetology courses have their own curricula to address all categories. When an individual obtains Cosmetology education from a Cosmetology school, he/she have to concentrate on his/her studies in a particular area, such as manicures, pedicures, nail health and hair dressing or styling.
Career Options for Cosmetologist
A career in Cosmetology and hair extension courses can help you to do a variety of professions in the beauty industry. Job opportunities for Cosmetologist just to name few, spa manager, hair dresser, nail technician, etc. You can choose your career in the beauty industry as beauty magazine editors or beauty consultant, marketing specialist in the Cosmetic industry, teaching in beauty school and give your knowledge and skills to the next generation. Other job titles that licensed Cosmetologist may also hold; beautician, hair stylist, wedding stylist, barber stylist, nail technician, manger stylist, salon assistant and spa manager.
Benefits of Cosmetology
Innovative in Thoughts
In the field of Cosmetology people can express their creativity every day. These people should assess an individual’s situation such as damaged hair and find solutions for the problem. The Cosmetologists are rewarded for their monetary and for satisfying their client’s need.
Easy Move with Society
This also provides a good chance to be social. Cosmetologist need to interact with their clients, colleagues and higher officials, if they have them, in a dad-to-day basis. Many spas have televisions, music player and magazines regarding beauty care keep the environment fun.
The most vital thing about being a Cosmetologist is flexibility and having the opportunity to become an entrepreneur. With dedication and hard work a cosmetologist can start his or her business, such as beauty spa, hair salon or nail spa, etc. These people can make their own hours by fixing appointments that suits them. They can fix timing according to their wish.
How to become a Cosmetologist?
Step 1
To become a cosmetologist first you have to find a Cosmetology or Beauty school that suits your needs
Step 2
At Cosmetology school, you should learn the skills and techniques needed to pass the State Licensing Exam for hair, makeup, nails safety and sanitation. (There will be a slight difference in training hours in each state)
Step 3
To receive certification you should excel in hair cutting, styling, coloring, shampooing, also in manicure and pedicure, facials, make up application, nail technology and others.
Important Skills Required for Hairdressers
Appropriate Training
The most vital thing is that an individual should complete training program and also should pass practical and written exam
Creative Skills
Hairdressers need to be innovative and able to envision prompt hair styles and treatment for their clients.
Technical and Business Skills
In training program itself, they learn the basics of hair cutting and styling and skin care. Apart from the technical skills they should have business skill because they are self-employed or they own a small business, it is necessary for people in this field, to develop their managerial and their business skill.
Marketing Skills
Cosmetologist must have a strong skill in Marketing and sales, this helps them to improve their salon revenue and good name.