Disability Insurance: The Reasons Behind Its Importance To Doctors

Disability insurance is essential during the unexpected occasions, when you are unable to work.
Being a doctor is an ultimate personal investment. Consider the paltry salary, the many years you spent grinding on books, and even struggling with the student loans to keep your medicine course going. Just like the other investments, you need to reap the reward of your hard work.
When an accident or medical condition physically impairs you such that you cannot carry out your duties well, the financial obligations will not disappear. You will still have to settle your mortgage bills, meet your lifestyle expenses and so on.
Medical professionals- more so those who carry out a physically intensive work or delicate procedures are prone to getting this type of risk. This is where the disability insurance comes in. It ensures that you are adequately protected and that you don’t stash away thousands and millions in your savings account.
This is insurance which replaces your ordinary income when you either get ill or injured. It acts as a stopgap, to prevent you from been financially drained. Disability insurance also keeps you afloat such that you will only support the necessary financial requirements alone.
There are two significant types of disability insurance: the long-term protection and the short term. The short-term takes effect between one and 14 days when the incident takes place. It lasts for a minimum of 9 weeks and a maximum of 52 weeks. On the other hand, the long-term works for an extended period of up to several years.
Every insurance has its condition called the riders. Some have occupation riders meaning that they will only cater for any injury that takes place within your current occupation. Some companies also provide enough money to cover for the student loans. Be sure to ask your insurance provider about the various riders available.
Even after acquiring the disability policy, you will still need to have your personal savings. Having an emergency fund with a five or six months worth will help you financially should an emergency situation happen before the policy takes effect. Also, understand your budget well so that you don’t go broke for paying what you cannot afford.
As a doctor, your employer may not necessarily require you to have the disability insurance. It is, however crucial to have it. Confirm from your HR representative when you can quickly acquire it and how much it will cost to get extra coverage from the same company you are working for.
After that, contact a reputable insurance broker to give you more detailed information and a range of the quotes. When you leave your job, remember to examine the disability capability of your new employer. Every company has a different coverage so don’t assume it will still be the same.
To get help from one of the top Insurance company for Physicians in Canada, visit Levine Financial Group.