Collapsible Walls Containers: An Ingenious Solution To Storage and Shipping Problems

One of the greatest challenges of industrial operations comes in form of storage and shipping. If you own an industrial facility, it is highly likely that you are faced with logistical nightmares when it comes to perfectly fitting your products into available bins before shipment. One of the main problems comes in fitting products into manufactured bins that are not cut to your specifications.
Well, you are in luck because modern storage solution providers are making innovative made-to-measure collapsible bins, which make it easier for you to pack any products and ship seamlessly. These bins retain the same standard base measurements but the walls can be folded.
Once you place the product on the base, the collapsible walls are then raised to enable fork lifting and shipment. This seemingly easy innovation has been lacking in the shipping industry for long, but you can now leverage the state-of-the-art technology offered by SSI in their collapsible bins to create a competitive edge over your customers.
There are myriad more benefits of using these products in your logistical operations. Take a look:
There are different types of collapsible bins available from the company. Some have one door while others have interlocking walls to safely lock the products during shipping. You can also choose those with lids depending on the product you are shipping.
Managing your storage and shipping logistics can be a daunting task but with these bins, you will not only save money but also make it easier to handle products during the process.