Cleaning In The Last Minute: Tips And Tricks

Lately you have been so busy that you realize your house looks like a disaster? It seems that you will have to take a whole week off to put everything in order. Which, on the other hand, is a mission impossible, since you cannot afford another holiday. Well this situation seems like a hard nut to crack, right? And on the top of it all, your husband’s mother has just called to say that she’s coming to visit you for the weekend. Don’t lose heart, here are some useful tips on how to clean your house in no time.
Well this is not actually a cleaning tip, but it is really useful. Find some nice music – Rock’n’Roll, Pop or House music. It will charge you with a lot of positive emotions and energy. This is very useful, especially if you are in a hurry. Plus, it is always better to clean with a smile, right?
Before you start cleaning, write down your most important household chores, like tidying up the living room, doing the washing up, washing the dishes etc. You can skip some less important things like cleaning the refrigerator or cleaning the windows. These are things, which require more time and efforts and you will have to leave them for some other day (next weekend, perhaps).
If your sofa is buried under a pile of clothes, the dining table is littered with books and snacks and there are toys all over the floor, you will just not have enough room for cleaning. Remove all the unnecessary things and then look around and see what has remained.
Use some small boxes and containers to hide some smaller things like hairpins, threads etc. For the toys you can take some large cardboard box and put them in there. This is a great way to make your home look neat and cosy.
In order to clean quickly and effectively, you should not waste your time in walking from one room to another, looking for the floor detergent or the brush. Bring your cleaning tools everywhere you go. You can even buy some of these cleaning baskets. They are really useful and will save you a lot of time.
Look through all of your stuff and see if you can find some old or broken things. They are not only useless, but occupy a lot of useful space. And the mess in the closet looks even bigger.
Well, we know we told you to find some energetic music, but this doesn’t mean to stop and dance on every second song. Try to avoid phone calls and watching TV. In fact, try to avoid everything that has nothing to do with cleaning. In order to finish with your job on time, you will have to be concentrated.
July Minor knows lots about cleaning. She has her own cleaning agency providing end of tenancy cleaning in London. In her spare time she writes articles.
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