Though the use of a driving simulator for driver training has a lot of benefits for the trainee, driving teachers frequently hesitate to use one. Students occasionally prefer to start their training in an actual car and think of a simulant as a game. Yet, a driving simulator is certainly not a game: you learn the expertise you need to drive a carriage safely.


In a good simulator, the stress is on traffic contribution, traffic rules, and dealing with road traffic in realistic traffic situations, and not wholly on vehicle control. And these are exactly the skills that are the firmest to learn in a learner car. A worthy driving simulator has the following properties:

  • Skills are skilled in a way that evades mental overload in the learner. The training emphases on automation of driving errands, such as gear changing, steering techniques, lane changing, scanning when imminent an intersection, negotiating roundabouts, incoming a highway, over taking, etc.
  • A large amount of traffic situations are experienced in a small period of time, allowing the learner to get adequate driving experience. In a driving simulator for driver training, precise skills can be taught very efficiently. For instance, in one hour of time, the trainee could drive in a virtual world and meeting a lot more intersections than through driving in an apprentice car in the actual world. While each joining is approached, visual scanning, use of sign and gear, speed control, in addition to priority rules could be trained and assessed very efficiently. Lack of driving experience in pertinent traffic situations is one of the most significant aspects in driver training and is a significant determinant of driver protection.
  • During a usual lesson in a learner car, the coach has little control over informative traffic situations: these happen more of less arbitrary. During lessons in a simulator, the informative scenarios outcome in well-timed learning instants with a high training worth, and guaranteed to occur. A simulator lesson has a certain effectiveness for all learners.
  • A worthy simulator has a ‘virtual instructor’ that assesses the behavior of the trainee unceasingly. It provides instant feedback when the trainee commits an mistake. This fast and systematic opinion results in faster learning of mistakes.
  • In a simulator, the pupils learn to drive in a safe atmosphere without stress. The costs of an error are not as severe as in the real world. Most persons learn faster and better while they feel safe and relaxed.


A study in the US obviously demonstrated that learning to drive in a simulator has optimistic effects on traffic protection. The accident rate of learners trained in a simulator fallen to 34% of the national average in the two years afterward the training. This amounts to a decrease of 66% in the amount of accidents in young drivers.

When in search of a driving school, students are suggested to see which one has a simulator. You might learn to drive better and it might very well be more inexpensive as well.