6 Reasons You Should Hire A Buyers Agent When Buying A New House

Buying your own house is part of the popular ethos we like to call an American Dream, but basically this major life step is dream of most tenants from all over the world. Other than being one of the most exciting events in your life time, taking a mortgage and buying your first home can produce major consequences if something goes wrong. For this reason home buyers in most Western countries tend to hire home buyer’s agents. These professionals will ensure that the whole process that starts with property search and ends with signing the contract goes in accordance to plan. Hiring buyer agents comes with many benefits and in this article we singled out some of the most important ones.
Home buyer’s agents don’t work for free, but in most cases their commission is paid by the seller. This great rule enables you to receive services from skilled real estate experts completely free of charge. So if an expert is offering you his/her professional services and free representation in such an important deal, there is no reason to miss this great opportunity.
Most people decide to hire a buyer’s agent in order to find better real estate deals, and this is also one of the top benefits they bring. Many people sell their house because of some deeply personal problem (like divorce or sudden illness). These properties are usually sold quickly and you won’t find them in online listings. Buyer’s agents often have these houses on their short list, and they are the best connection to people who don’t want to publicize their sale.
Home buyer’s agents are experts in real estate searches and purchases. They follow local real estate price trends and understand: city, county and state laws and regulations that affect home purchases and construction. They can also conduct an expert comparative market analysis by using various listings that they acquire from their agency’s database.
Contact with listing agents is crucial for finding a perfect home. They are able to show you the house of our dreams before owners advertise their sale, which means you can buy it at much better conditions. Some listing agents have access to tech tools that are able to locate homes, which can’t be found on multiple listing services. That’s why solid two-way contact with listing agent is one of the most important criteria for buying great home, and the best way to achieve it, is through own your buyer’s agent.
This is one of the trickiest parts of house purchase negotiations. Buyer’s agents recognize the lacks certain house comes with, since they check dozens of houses every day. They can also give you a contact of an independent building inspector if you don’t believe in their expertise. This way your request for repairs will have much more credibility, and home owners will realize that a reasonable repair is in their interest as well. At the bottom line, in many cases buyer’s agents can negotiate home repairs themselves. This way you can easily skip this difficult part of negotiation and be able to buy a house in much better condition.
Purchasing process requires extensive paperwork, and many documents you will need to sign are hardly understandable to common folk. That is why you need an expert on your side at all times. Of course you can hire an attorney, but this will definitely increase your overall purchasing expenses. Buyer’s agents work for free, and they help thousands of new buyers during their career, which means they have a lot of experience in signing these types of contracts.
Home buyer’s agents are people who have the same goals as we do. That’s why we can easily relax and use their representation services. Their real estate market knowledge and negotiation skills will definitely be very helpful, while we are trying to find our dream house.