5 Ways To Save Energy At Home

Saving energy protects essential resources for future generations. Plus, conserving energy can help reduce the cost of your monthly utility bills. Reducing your energy use makes you feel better about your utility costs and the impact you are having on the world. There are basic ways to help you save energy and reduce your ecological footprint.
When you were growing up, your parents probably reminded you to turn off the lights when you left your bedroom. This is wise advice and should be done whenever you leave the house. Unplug all appliances and shut off the lights when you are not in the room. You can install an automatic timer to turn on the lights when you working light. The lights will go on so you can arrive to a well-lit home after dark.
Often people feel compelled to turn on the heat or air conditioning. During certain weeks of the year, you might not need to use either of them. For example, open the windows during a breezy day during the late spring or early summer. You will cool off the house and let in plenty of fresh air. On a warm fall day, open the curtains during the afternoon to let the sun naturally warm up your house.
Energy efficient products can help you save significantly on the cost of utility bills over the course of several months. Look for light bulbs that save energy. They are cost-effective and easy to install. Replace old appliance with ones that bear the Energy Star label. This means they operate efficiently but use less energy than most older models. Consider easy ways you can reduce your energy use, such as washing clothes in cold water and drying them on a clothesline outside.
Drafts let out the warm air during the winter and the cool air during the summer. This means your heating and air conditioning are escaping the house. You have to turn them up and use more energy to heat or cool your home. Check your windows and doors to look for drafty areas. Sometimes a sealant helps to minimize drafts in these areas. Older doors and windows might need to be repaired or replaced. Make sure your home is properly insulated to avoid wasted energy.
Discover a myriad of energy-saving tips during a home energy audit. An auditor will assess your past utility bills and inspect your home, including the attic and basement, to determine how energy is being used. Suggestions are made based on your unique situation. Many of them are low-cost or no-cost so they can be implemented right away. The auditor might also recommend applying for certain grants or programs to offset the cost of other energy-saving measures. An energy audit helps you figure out specific ways to reduce your use and lower your utility bills over time.