5 Ways To Prepare For A Happy, Healthy Baby

Having a child can be nerve racking. It takes a lot of preparation. This includes preparing medically for the birth and financially for the child’s future. It should also include preparing your home for an infant. To help, below are five ways to prepare for a baby.
Once you know you are pregnant, you need to see an obstetrician or if you have any concerns, you may need to see a high risk pregnancy specialist like Dr. Gilbert Webb. This kind of doctor specializes in health issues relating to fetal growth in utero and birth, as well as the female reproductive system, and high risk pregnancies (Source: LinkedIn).
One of the easiest ways for a baby to get seriously injured is through electrical outlets near ground level. Traditionally, this problem was addressed with simple plastic outlet covers that were plugged in. However, many babies actually pull these out and then they can become a choking hazard. Instead, invest in outlets that have safety latch that can slide into place.
Falls down stairs are a leading cause of accidental infant deaths. To prevent this, install a baby gate at the top of every set of stairs or significant drop off in your house. Baby gates can also be used to block access to rooms you don’t want your child entering such as the kitchen and the bathroom.
Before having children, couples tend to be somewhat careless about where they place poisonous substances. They may, for example, simply place them in a cupboard under a sink. However, this is certainly a place a young child could get into. Make sure you secure your poisons in locked cupboards. Otherwise, only store them high above where they are out of reach.
However, despite the amount of work you put into child proofing your home, an accident or emergency could still occur. For example, your baby could accidentally ingest something poisonous. This is why having the phone number of a poison control center on speed dial or stored in your emergency contacts list on your smart phone is important. Have all the emergency numbers and first aid supplies you need on hand. If a serious emergency does occur, don’t be afraid to call for an ambulance.
Overall, the key to making your home safe for an infant is preparation. Make sure you plan ahead so you can be ready when the time comes and that you have a plan in place in case of any emergencies.