5 Easy Ways to Clean Up Your Yard This Spring

Spring is all about out with the old and in with new. As we prepare ourselves for spring cleaning tasks, let’s not forget about the one that requires a little more post winter love – your garden. Here’s five easy ways to neaten up your garden that won’t take the whole day.
Did you know that a single weed can produce as many as 250,000 seeds? It’s a good fact to think about next time we gaze out the window and think I should really do something about that. Before you decide on the best defence strategy to tackle the enemy, you really need to know what you are dealing with. Some are shallow rooted and will continue to spread with the continuous exposure of light, the others are deep rooted perennials. Both require different types of control methods. A good rule of thumb is to attack young weeds when the weather is dry. For perennial weeds, give them a good dowsing of water, making sure the soil is wet, this will ensure that the entire root is pulled out intact.
When your patio turns into just a slab of hot concrete covered in grime, instead of a welcoming extension of your home, most people think why bother? Cleaning your patio is easier than you’d think. All you need is a high pressure hose, a little eco-friendly detergent and a bit of old fashioned scrubbing for those extra dirty sections. Invest in a quality brand pressure hose and you’ll also be able to use it on your driveway and deck. Check out the Stihl website to see what pressure hose would suit your home.
Hedges are an attractive part of any home. They give you a piece of privacy from your nosy neighbours and provide a beautiful backdrop if they are the type to blossom. The best time to take care of your hedges is at the beginning of spring and again during the middle of summer. If left to long, they will become harder to maintain and will start to look shabby. Tip: don’t cut your hedges with a blunt blade, you are only doing more harm than good, and your hedges will respond by growing outwardly instead of shooting up into the air.
If your entertaining area includes a couple of $5 chairs and a two legged table, it’s probably time for an upgrade. Invest in a table to suit which is sized to suit your garden. You don’t have to blow the budget either. A basic wooden table can be spruced up with a coloured table cloth and you can paint your chairs to match.
This one isn’t just for spring time. By fertilising your lawn at least four times a year, your grass will thank you by being more resilient, healthier and prettier to look at. To start, rake the lawn seeds into bare spots so that they come in contact with the soil. Then apply a starter fertiliser and water thoroughly. Tip: avoid fertilisers high in phosphorous as they can enter drainage systems, which in turn creates algae blooms that suck oxygen and kill fish and plants.
What are your spring maintenance tips? Tell us in the comments below.