5 Careers Best Suited For Antisocial People

People who are awkward in social situations frequently don’t make the best employees for jobs that require a great deal of interaction with others. However, that doesn’t mean that workplace conditions don’t exist where less social types can’t thrive. In fact, there are certain careers that are not at all suited to people who need substantial contact with others in order to do their best work. Following are five jobs where anti-social people shine.
1. Bookkeepers and Accountants
Few work environments suit anti-social people more than an office with a door that closes where they can spend they majority of the workday with their nose stuck in accounting ledgers. Plenty of educational options exist for those who prefer to interact with numbers instead of with other people, from two-year accounting degrees from community colleges that allow them to obtain entry-level positions as bookkeepers to advanced degrees in accounting.
2. Graphic Designer
Graphic design is another field that allows those who prefer to work on their own to excel. Many artistically inclined loners pursue this kind of work because it allows them to freelance from home rather than spending their workdays in crowded office environments. Pursuing a bachelor’s degree in fine arts or graphic design is an excellent way to prepare for a career in this field.
3. Medical Records Technician
Those who want to enter the health care field but prefer to not to have a hands-on position in patient care should consider becoming trained for a job in medical records. Certificate and associate degree programs in health information technology are available to those who wish to train for this type of career, and demand is increasing on a yearly basis.
4. Postal Carrier
Those who don’t want to participate in continuing education beyond high school can apply to work as a carrier with the U.S. Postal Service. Although post office jobs are decreasing due to alternative delivery methods and technological advances in communication, a need still exists for delivery and mail handler personnel, particularly since many postal employees are expected to reach retirement age within the next few years. Although being hired for entry level positions with the USPS does not require a college degree, successful applicants must past an examination that indicates their ability to remember and to organize sequences of numbers.
5. Computer Programmer or Network Administrator
Introverted people have been drawn to working with computers for decades. Computer programmers and coders spend a great deal of their time working alone writing in various computer languages. They also fix mistakes in coding on company web pages and test different codes for suitability for specific tasks. Network administrators are responsible for overseeing the computer systems of companies and organizations. Many of those who work with computers have a bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related field, but opportunities also exist for applicants with associate’s degrees. A few self-taught people have done extremely well in the several career fields involving proficiency with computers.
Introverted people have many strengths that their social butterfly counterparts frequently lack. They generally possess superior powers of concentration, do not depend on other people for their personal job satisfaction levels and do not participate very much in gossip or in office politics.
Kendra Frederick is a career counselor and blogger who has written reviews on top online career counseling degree programs.