4 Low-Cost Ways To Stage Your Home For Sale

Showing your home does not need to be an expensive experience. Creatively boost the value of your house by creating a visually appealing environment for potential buyers. Get rid of clutter and store personal items to make it easier for people to see themselves and their belongings in your home setting. Pay for professional cleaning to spruce up your presentation and reorder rooms to stress the benefits of your house to buyers.
Make your potential buyer feel at home by packing away your personal belongings before showing your house. Buyers want to be able to visualize themselves living in the home. Seeing pictures of you and your family might make it difficult for a buyer to see themselves living in this space. Leaving your personal belongings around might also make people uncomfortable, as if you are intruding on their premises. Remove and store all personal items to create an inviting environment for home buyers.
Deodorize and scrub your home to create a clean, appealing environment for home buyers. Prospective buyers will be immediately turned off by a dirty, smelly home. Make this your first task. Even the most open-minded buyers cannot get past a filthy, smelly home so scrub your house thoroughly to create a pleasant experience for your buyers. Invest money in a professional cleaning to be sure that the job is completed properly. Ceiling fans, your basement, garage, sliding glass door tracks and windows all need to be spotless to make a positive first impression. Get rid of litter boxes and consider using air fresh to mask unpleasant odors. Boil cinammon sticks or bake cookies to create an enticing, attractive aroma through your house.
Stress the purpose of each room by rearraging each spot in your home. Organize your closets and tidy up each room so prospectives buyers can gain a clear vision of how they can use each room in the house. If people can see the benefit of your kitchen or living room set up they are more likely to pull the trigger on making a buy. If it has been at least a few years since your last paint job consider touching up some areas or re-painting your entire interior as sellers can get a huge return on their investment when closing time comes around.
Pack rats have a difficult time selling their disorderly, tough to look at homes. Focus your buyers on the structure and design of your home instead of an old record or tape collection you are saving for a time capsule. Cut emotional attachments if you want to increase your chances of making a sale. Hoarding occurs in basements, attics, garages, closets, drawers and on shelves and countertops. Get rid of child’s toys because empty nesters might be turned off by seeing these and clear kitchen counters so potential buyers can visualize their own set up. Box items and stack these boxes neatly in the corner of your garage.
Kelli Coope, writing for Kanetix, has blogged about all thing real estate.
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