4 Fashion Rules Every Mother Should Know

Despite changed bodies, hormones, lack of sleep (even through the teenage years) and, sometimes, a need to be frugal, every mother can – and should – feel good in her clothes. These four rules can help.
Accessories are a great way to easily incorporate the necessary pop of color that don’t always make it into your everyday wardrobe. Think pretty teal bag, tangerine shoes, olive scarf, bright lipstick etc. These quick touches help you look put-together – and you’ll feel that way, too. They don’t need to be expensive and you can wear them no matter what else is going on.
Know your size and find clothes that fit you now. Maybe you’ll lose weight, or get pregnant again, or gain weight or any other possibility. But chances are that styles will change and your body will, too. When you do go shopping, try clothes on. See how they fit you before you buy them, because it’s unlikely you’ll bring them back if they don’t. Buy one or two items each season that are in style but have long-term appeal.
If your teenage daughter is wearing it, you shouldn’t be. Forget the miniskirts, the 6-inch heels and the ironic t-shirts. If your toddler daughter is wearing it, you shouldn’t. Let your daughter wear mis-matched clothes that look adorable. She can get away with it because she’s 3. The exception is hairstyles, like those at http://www.cutegirlshairstyles.com/and in other places. Moms and young girls can totally both wear the same cute hairstyles, from pixie cuts to braids. Take time to learn a waterfall braid and a fishtail so she can look like Elsa and you can be the coolest mom on the block. Confidence. It’s a thing. Pinterest will help.
What clothes did you like before kids? While not everything will fit the same way, it’s a great starting place. You can dress casually and still look nice. Find pants that hug your butt and shirts that smooth your post-baby belly. Wearing one fitted thing is a quick and easy way to pull the look together and make you feel confident and beautiful. Wearing a skirt? Fitted top. Baggy shirt? Tailored jeans, please. Love lace? Buy a lace shirt!
Moms invest time and energy into making their Littles look good. Isn’t it time for mom to look smoking too?