3 Ways To Increase Accessibility Of Important Facebook Posts

It is often necessary to post content more than once during the day to maintain the attention of your fans – it helps keep their interest in your page and improves analytics. However, not all posts have equal significance for your page. Posting new content daily makes the previous activities disappear deep into the timeline. These hidden posts may include the ones you want to be seen by maximum people and have long lasting impact. Here are some ways to increase the accessibility of your important posts.
Facebook offers a Pin feature to emphasize the posts which need due exposure. This neat perk helps a post gain the attention of users very quickly. A post that is pinned to the top always appears first on your timeline each time a user opens your page. Here’s how you can use this feature:
The post remains on top of the timeline for seven days. After that the week is over, it will return to its own place according to the date and time it was first published. You can remove a pin whenever you want.
Another feature that helps you amplify a specified post is the Highlight feature. The Highlight feature makes your desired post appear more prominently by displaying it in maximum width on the timeline. Accessing this feature is easy:
Sharing an older post brings it to the top for a while, until you post another one. Moreover, the shared post is also displayed in the News Feed of all your page’s fans. . You can buy Facebook likes to increase the number of fans too. By regularly sharing the same post at short intervals, it will reach the maximum number of people while its still relevant.
Through these simple methods, you can easily intensify the impact of significant posts by keeping it in view at all times.