
Your Ultimate Guide At Winning Back An Ex-Girlfriend

Winning back an ex-girlfriend is often regarded by guys as one of the most challenging endeavors that they can ever get themselves in.

Sure the thought of convincing an old flame to get back with you can be rather tough but it isn’t entirely impossible either.

If you’ve just realized that you’ve broken up with the one, there may be still hope for you to get her back.

Make sure you read on to learn a few useful tips and pointers that might help you do just that if you follow them closely enough.

Say sorry.

Apologizing should be on top of your checklist if you’re aiming to get back with your ex-girlfriend at some point.

Apart from showing her that the breakup has affected you greatly one way or another, you couldn’t rebuild your previous romantic relationship with her no matter how hard you try if she hasn’t forgiven you yet.

Make it a point to say sorry right away if you still haven’t to start off your journey to reconciliation.

Avoid calling or texting her frequently.

Sure keeping in touch with your ex-girlfriend through calls and text messages may not sound like a big deal to you but it’s entirely different from her perspective.

Women normally go through a lot of emotional stress after a breakup and you can easily lower your chances of getting back with her again to zero if she thinks that you’re already becoming very annoying.

Switch off your phone the next time you have the urge to text or call your ex, no matter how good your intentions may be.

It’s important that you give her space. Remember to wait a couple of weeks after the breakup before even contacting her again.

This way, you’re also making her unconsciously miss you.

Reflect what you did wrong.

You obviously messed something up in your romantic relationship with your ex-girlfriend if she broke up with you.

Rather than moping and getting desperate to get back with her as soon as you can in the following days after the breakup, take it as your cue to assess yourself as her boyfriend.

Did you always make her feel appreciated and important? How can you rate yourself as the other half of the relationship?

While it’s possible that you might not win her back again, you can still use these reflections to become a better boyfriend in the future.

Get your ex to share her side of the story.

Asking your ex-girlfriend to tell her side is a good way to let her vent out her frustrations on you and your shortcomings as a boyfriend.

Keep in mind that the odds of her saying a few spicy words about you are rather inevitable so keep your cool at all times while doing this.

Use the information you are able to gather during your discussion to prioritize which qualities you need to lose, improve and demonstrate even more.

Begging is out of the question. 

At its simplest, begging will get you nowhere if you’re looking to win your ex-girlfriend’s heart back.

No matter how many times you’ve rehearsed your lines, she’ll always see it as a form of extreme desperation, which will possibly make her hate you even more in the process.

Claire is writing on behalf of, a blog on dating, marriage and dating.