
Workout On A Budget: Buying Used Treadmills

“I don’t have time to go to a gym” and “I don’t have the money for a membership” are two of people’s favorite excuses for not getting in a few weekly exercises. There are a number of other ways that you can get fit without much time or money — and one of the best is to buy and fix up an old treadmill. It might sound crazy at first, but think about it — gyms get new equipment every few years, and they get top-of-the-line models to please their paying customers. With a treadmill in your home, there are so many benefits to reap.

Where Can I Get a Used Treadmill?

There are so many places in your community that are probably getting rid of treadmills for extremely low prices, or even for free. Call up a few of your local gyms, for one — they’re your best bet because their equipment is both high-quality and well cared-for, even if it is gently used. If they’re not offering any at the moment, ask local high schools or check the personal ads. It’s about that time of the year when people start giving up on their New Years’ resolutions, so you might even be able to pick one up off someone in your neighborhood.

What If There Are Only Damaged Treadmills?

Most any treadmill repair is fairly basic and easy to perform. Look online to see where your nearest repair shop is – there are many different establishments that will perform the services for you at a low cost. Even the cost of a used treadmill and repairs combined will still be less than buying one brand new. Plus, once an expert performs the repairs, the equipment will be as good as new and last you several more years with proper maintenance.

How Can I Get My Money’s Worth?

Maintaining any gym equipment is crucial in order to make it last as long as possible. Your best bet is to try to find the model’s handbook online if it didn’t come with your purchase. Most require that you lubricate beneath the running belt every few months, and tighten the belt if it becomes loose or crooked. Keeping them away from walls, making sure that the cords are in proper health, and fixing any bad circuitry will have a good piece of machinery lasting for years.

Making excuses for why we aren’t working out is something we all do — and something we need to stop doing. If time and cost are an issue, buying used equipment and using a treadmill repair company  is just one of many solutions. There are so many benefits, though, to having a treadmill in your home — and who knows, if you call up a person who is selling used equipment, you might even get some cheap free weights out of the deal.

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Eric Regan is a writer with a keen interest in travel, cars and technology. He has written for blogs covering all of this topics and much more