
Workout and Nutrition While Travelling

Workout and Nutrition While Travelling

Eating healthy and working out while traveling can be quite challenging for most people. But the good news is that you don’t need to leave you healthy habits once you exit your front door with your suitcase in hands. There are effective ways to continue eating healthy while on the road that will maintain your balance and reduce stress. Business trip, vacation, it doesn’t matter, you absolutely can keep up with your healthy eating habits and find the time and place for exercise as well. There are things you need to do before leaving, and things to do once your trip starts, and good preparation and organization will make sure that your diet can stay simple and easy without having problems passing through airport security for example.

Here are some tips for workout and nutrition while traveling:

Prepare Before You Leave

Deciding what foods are a “no-no” and what are “good-to-go” before you start packing will surely ease things up. When you are sure what you can and can not eat, you will lessen the chance of getting any post-consumption unpleasantness. You should also plan ahead what food you should bring with you on a road.

Non-Perishable Foods

When traveling, packing non-perishable food is very important. Packaged food, that doesn’t need to be stored in the refrigerator can serve you as snacks, especially if you are going overseas or having to travel a long way to work. You can pack large stashes of non-perishable food in your suitcase and put what you need in zip-lock bags in your carry-on for immediate use.

There are many healthy options that are great for traveling such as protein bars, nuts, and seeds, dried or frozen fruit, individual packets of almond and coconut butter. You can also make shakes that are really handy when on a road, so definitely pack whey protein powder to mix with milk or yogurt when you have a chance. They are also very good as post-workout meals.

Explore The Local Area On Foot

A great way to stay fit during your travel is walking. There is so much more that can be seen on foot rather than from a car or any transportation. Even if you are on a business trip, try to organize your time so you can walk to the meeting instead of taking a cab unless it’s a rainy day. Another tip is to avoid hotel dining room, instead walk up a restaurant. Not only that you will have more healthy options that to eat that cost less, but you will also get some exercise and see some street life along the way.

Use The Hotel Gym

You don’t have to skip gym if you are away from your home. Keep your healthy habit going by attending a hotel gym. In case there is not a gym in the hotel you are staying in, there are many streaming workouts that you watch on your phone or laptop and do the workout in your room. Many hotels have gyms though, and it is a great chance for you to try something new, you can even schedule a session with a personal training to learn how to use the new equipment in front of you. You can enjoy your gym experience as a novelty. Hotels also can have saunas or steam rooms or even a spa center where you can get a nice relaxing massage, all of that you can enjoy after a workout and that might be a nice addition to your healthy routine. Travel is all about new experiences and that should the case with your bodywork as well.


No matter if you are traveling for work or pleasure, experiencing new, local cuisine is something you should not miss on. There is a variety of restaurants you can visit with all sorts of healthy delicious options that will keep you fit. Tell the waiter if there are any type nutrients you are not allowed to eat or allergic to, and they will do their best to serve you exactly what you need. You can not get that type of service at McDonald’s. You can even ask them to double the vegetables as your side instead of bread or cheese that originally is served.

All these tips can help you stay healthy and fit during your travel, but the most important one is not to stress about any imperfections related to food. Number one cause of digestive distress is in fact stress, so even if you have the best, most pristine diet out there, stress will make all that effort go to waste and even suppress your immune system. So don’t stress out, enjoy yourself and your trip and the opportunity to experience new and exciting things. If that means having a desert while on a vacation, then go for it, but do not miss on exploring all those amazing food local cuisines have to offer!