
Why We Should SEO Developers Who Can Code?

There are issues that we need to consider when it comes to determining proper SEO solutions. In fact, it is quite possible that we will run into a lot of issues. SEO is about a combination of various on-site and off-site factors. Because SEO in a highly competitive online landscape can be challenging enough, we often need to obtain the help of real SEO professionals. However, before they can call themselves real professionals, they need to show us that they can do many things, including coding for the web. It is true that SEO requires less coding than the actual web development phase, but it is essential to make changes to codes to optimize our website.

Many people who call themselves SEO consultants may know little or nothing about web coding, or more important coding for SEO. Many understand meta tags and their relation to SEO, but not many understand how to optimize tags in HTML, CSS and PHP to improve SEO performance. SEO professionals shouldn’t only working with keywords, they should also deal with codes to significantly improve on-page factors. In essence, SEO professionals should understand the basic languages used to build websites, such as HTML, ASP, PHP, JSP and others. One factor that determines whether our website is properly coded is that how well it is coded.

As an example, one of the most important goals is to display quality and relevant content in seconds. If the website is badly coded, the web browsers won’t be able to render it quickly enough. The website should also have proper navigational structure, or it will be difficult for search engine bots to crawl and index all pages. It means that pages may not be shown properly in the results. In essence, bad coding can be defined as coding activities that ignore possible major issues, such as inefficiencies, poor security and significant slowdowns. As an example, it is already considered a poor programming practice to use tables in our coding.

If our code is really bloated, it is possible that we use more code than what’s necessary. If we do this, it is possible that our website will take a bit longer to download. Experts will directly say that our website have less chance of getting top position in rankings. People should be able to download our website in seconds. Broadband Internet speed may not be able to compensate for inefficiencies in our codes. Our ship may have sailed in a strong wind, but if the bottom of our ship is full of seaweed and barnacles, it will sail slower than it should. It means that we need to make sure that our ship can take the biggest advantage of the prevailing wind.

SEO is vital for the success of our company and we need to choose consultants who really know how to code properly. They will be able to optimize the website, by modifying, adding and removing codes in our website.