
Why Should R Be Your First Data Science Programming Language?


Data Science is a field as inviting as any field can possibly be more so, if you have a knack for statistics, mathematics and programming. A data scientist with experience of more than five years can bag a salary as big as INR 50 lacs /annum. It shows that companies expect a data scientist to make a deep positive impact on their progress.

As a data scientist you are only as good as your training and your cognitive skills. Keen interest in the subject and a topnotch training can launch you for a luminous career in data science and analytics. The beginning is the most important point and you need to choose a language that can actually pay you back for your time, efforts and money. As far as the present outlook of the analytics industry is concerned R analytics training seems to be your best bet.

R ends the beginners’ confusion

There can be end number of options while you begin to look for the best choice of programming language to enter the field of analytics or data science. The key to success of course, is focusing your concentration upon one or two most widely used languages. There are options like Python, D3 which are pretty good but are not as largely used as R at present. There are other languages too like Perl, Bash and Java which are just not meant for analytics.

Let R be the one language that will take you somewhere

While starting off, your attention should be focused on the technique and the process of using a language for analytical purposes rather than syntax. While you might need to pick up more than one language for certain projects, R analytics training should prepare you for most of the jobs. R has been constantly rising in popularity among various large companies and across many industries. Companies like Facebook, Google, Microsoft, employ data scientists with R skills. R is one of the most used statistical programming languages in India and in the world.

The Indian job market has a huge demand for R programmers

Indian economy is bubbling with opportunities for people with data manipulation skills. There is a predicted shortage of 200,000 analysts and data scientists by the end of 2020. R analytics training surely makes you a valuable candidate for the large number of vacancies that are being created in the Indian Big data scene every day. The Indian NCR creates almost 10,000 new big data jobs every year. And experienced R programmers are not usually paid less than 1,500,000 INR per annum. If you happen to be a resident of the NCR, R training in Delhi should not be far away from you.

R makes it easy to learn the basics

The core skills needed to become a successful data scientist are data manipulation, data visualization and machine learning. With R it is easy to master these basic skills. You can definitely learn new languages according to the requirements but R gets you started and comes handy for most of the jobs.

There is no shortage of academies offering R training in Delhi, Bangalore or as a matter of fact, in any major city in India. It is important to choose the course wisely and give it your best effort.