
Why Is A Good Diet So Important For Renal Patients?

Why Is A Good Diet So Important For Renal Patients?

Patients who suffer from dysfunctional kidneys are called renal patients. Besides a constant medication, diet plays a very important part for the recovery from a failed kidney condition. Experts suggest that a good diet is part of the medication procedure. The reasons behind this are multiple.

Importance Of A Good Diet For Renal Patients

  • There are sufficient content of water intake in our usual diet. In case of renal patients the biggest restriction is on the intake of fluids. Fluids can exert a pressure on the kidney and in case of renal patients this can be fatal. Hence a good diet is needed that completely checks the amount of water intake by the body.
  • Protein foods like milk and other milk products are thoroughly restricted. When protein breaks down in the body, it gives rise to waste products which is difficult to get rid off from the body for renal patients.

Why Is A Good Diet So Important For Renal Patients?

  •  Sodium is a big body requirement. This is because they help to balance the amount of fluid in the body but for renal patients their amount should be thoroughly checked.  Hence minimal amount of sodium is part of the renal patient’s diet.
  • Phosphorous and potassium are the two minerals whose balance is very much required for a renal patient. A person with a properly functioning kidney can make a balance of these two minerals in the blood which is incapable for renal patients. Hence it is very important that the check of these two minerals is maintained in the diet. Fish and meat are two major sources of phosphorous and potassium, the amount of which in case of renal patient should be hugely regulated.

Some Major Aspects Of A Good Diet For Renal Patients

  • There are a lot of restrictions in the diet of renal patients. The requirement of such restrictions is not for the smooth function of the kidney but for preventing other major diseases. An improper diet for the renal patient can increase blood pressure and can also be a cause of diabetis, which further weakens the functioning of the kidney.
  • A dietician should always be contacted while making this diet chart. Always remember to revisit the dietician who can make fresh diet charts for renal patients based on their current state of the kidney. This is done because the diet is also a part of the medication process for renal patients.

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