
Why Dental Implants Are Preferable To Dentures

By Wanda Marie Thibodeaux

Today’s dental specialists can offer a variety of options to restore the function and aesthetics of your smile if you have damaged or lost teeth. Two of the most common are dentures and implants. Of these two choices, dental implants often are the best bet.


Both dentures and dental implants are made from high-quality materials, but in general, dental implants last longer. In fact, they can work well for decades if properly installed and cared for. By contrast, dentures typically last only between 5 and 10 years. The extended life of dental implants often offsets the higher price tag implants usually have.


Dental implants are fixed directly in your jaw, which makes them stronger than dentures for most people. With a stronger false tooth or teeth, you have more options in terms of what you can eat. Many implant patients in Orlando, FL find that they enjoy their meals more or can eat with more convenience because of the variety they’re allowed, and having lots of different foods to choose from can mean better nutrition and overall health. Strength also can mean you’re more confident when smiling or talking with others.

Comfort and Complication Risk

Dentures can slip and shift if they are not fitted just right, or if your mouth changes as you age. They also can give bacteria a place to hide on or near neighboring teeth, promoting potential decay. The result is often tissue irritation and infection. Dental implants, however, cannot move, so they usually feel better to wear and don’t carry as much risk of painful complications.


Dentures can reduce your ability to taste foods and drinks significantly. In fact, a complete denture may diminish your taste by as much as 70 percent, because the appliance requires covering many of your oral tissues. Dental implants, by contrast, leave your tissues open just like normal teeth, so you can enjoy the subtleties of every bite.

A Solid Foundation

The fact that dental implants are anchored in your jaw means that they provide a good foundation for other dental work. Subsequently, you and your dentist have more options for how to address the problems you have with your teeth, increasing the odds you’ll get optimal functionality and a beautiful, natural look.

Bone Health

Unlike dentures, which can put other teeth at risk, dental implants actually stimulate bone growth in your jaw. Your jaw will stay strong as a result, and you likely won’t experience as much of the sunken, frail look that often happens with age.


Dentures and dental implants both can work to replace damaged or lost teeth. For many dental patients, however, dental implants win out in important areas, such as complication risk, strength and the ability to taste a variety of foods. Talk with your dentist to find out if dental implants are the right choice for you. You can also get some tips from Homeopathic Medicine In Hindi.