Why Bed Bugs Increase In Summer Months

Ask any bed bug expert and they will tell you that there is a rise in bed bug infestation during the summer. The question is why? How do they know it is summer? What is it that makes these detestable little critters come crawling out in droves when the weather gets warm? To be clear, the summer time is not the only time that these little blood suckers have to be considered, but they are much more prevalent during these warmer months.
Just like us, heat dries out bed bugs. A bed bug expert knows that the creepy crawlies need extra blood when it is hot to stay hydrated, meaning they go looking for unsuspecting sleepers to snack on much more often. Like many animals, they tend to slow down or even hibernate in the winter time, meaning though they do not disappear completely they are definitely less worrisome. This also means that once an infestation hits in a warm area, one where the temperatures are mild year around, there could be an even bigger problem than normal when it comes to eradication. If the weather is always warm, they will likely stick around all year long.
Bed bugs are stowaways of the most unsavory kind. They hitch a ride in luggage, on clothing, and wherever they can find a place from hotels, waiting room chairs, or anywhere else you may visit, unsuspectingly, right into your home. The summer months are peak travel times occurring right whenever the risk of contamination is the highest. This means that not only do the bugs increase where they already are in the summer, but instances of new infestations also increase due to an increase in travel.
You can still travel in the summer, but you should take every precaution to avoid bringing home these critters during their most active time. Consulting a bed bug expert is a good idea, as they can offer tips and ideas for staying critter free. Of course, the first thing anyone should do upon entering a room, whether staying at a hotel or with a friend, is strip the bed and look for telltale signs of bed bugs. These include dark spots under the mattress and in the creases, remembering it is unlikely you will actually see the bugs themselves. Bring along plastic bags to hold clothing and basically anything else, and keep them up high off the floor, beds, and chairs. Also, immediately upon returning home inspect and vacuum all luggage. Anything that was on clothing should be suffocated in the plastic bags, and in this way hopefully no stowaways will make it back to your home.
Consulting a bed bug expert like Bed Bug Finders, LLC can result in many more tips for avoiding as well as treating an infestation. Once they are there, they are very difficult to get rid of, so being proactive is the best idea. Still, no matter how cautious you are, they are sneaky and it is possible to become infested anyway. Have a plan, be aware, and keep an expert on call to be certain any issues that do arise can be nipped in the bud quickly.
Faith Stewart writes for a variety of blogs.