


In the recent days, there has been a rise in the number of chronic diseases affecting people globally. Due to this reason, most people are more engaged in weight loss practices to help them avert the possibilities of contracting various weight-related complications such as obesity, heart complications, blood pressure and arthritis. There are many weight loss exercises that include routine workout, eating healthy and using weight loss supplements. To effectively understand where the fat you lose goes after exercising you have first to comprehend the complex metabolic process involved in the weight loss process. The body uses stored fat as a source of energy when you engage in energy-demanding activities. During a workout session, your body converts the stored fat into energy to be used by your muscles and other body tissues. Like many cells, after fat cells are deprived of the fat they eventually shrink. The process of burning fat produces heat other waste products such as water and carbon dioxide.

The Process of Weight Loss

Weight loss is a combination of both mental and physical processes. Typically the health news says, weight loss occurs when your body consumes more calories than your caloric intake. To drive various physiological process in your body, your body still burns calories even when you are resting. Also, through the use of your muscles by engaging in various activities also helps in burning excess calories in the body. Primarily, all the activities in your body including digestion process and thinking require energy obtained from burning calories.

Across the entire body, excess calories lead to accumulation of excess fats. You should ensure you cut off the amounts of calories you take through food to ensure your weight loss program works more effectively. This helps in the creation of a caloric deficit in your body. Engaging in physical exercises do not only influence your eating habits but also is the most variable and effective way of toning and reducing your body weight. Once you attain a caloric deficit in your body, the body is forced to turn to stored fats for energy production to meet your body’s caloric needs. Stored fat serves as the only source of stored energy in your body. When the body turns to stored fats for energy to meet the caloric deficit, eventually the fat reserves deplete resulting to the process of weight loss.

It is very difficult to reach a caloric deficit in your body, but there is hope. Although your body has to have a caloric deficit of approximately three thousand and five hundred to lose one pound of fat, it is possible to achieve a caloric deficit by observing good eating habits and engaging in a routine workout. Adipocytes are the cells that stores fat in the body. No matter the amount of stored fat in your body at any one time, the number of adipocytes remains constant throughout. In the case of your stored fat drastically increases, your body can create more adipocytes to store the excess fat, but the body never destroys the adipocytes even after the fat reserves deplete. Rather than being destroyed, these cells just shrink.

Must watch this video: Calorie Counting: How Many Calories A Person Needs Daily?

The Metabolic Process Involved in Converting Fat into Energy

Most people perceive that are burning excess fats in the body by engaging in physical exercises, exercise healthy dieting and take natural weight loss supplements. According to scientists, it is very inappropriate to say that the body converts excess fat into energy or your burning excess fat into energy. They believe that saying that violates the law of conservation of mass. Scientists believe that the process of weight loss involves losing a few atoms in the body rather than turning those atoms into energy. Scientists believe that for every 10 pounds of fat lost, 8.4 are exhaled as carbon dioxide whereas the rest are changed into the water to be excreted as tears, urine or sweat.

Most people do not understand the metabolic process involved in weight loss process. Although the process is best explained scientifically, it is a simple, and easy explanation as to where the fat you lose goes rather than just saying it is converted into energy. During the first step of weight loss process, excess carbs and proteins are converted into triglycerides. These are chemical compounds that are composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. These compounds are stored as lipid droplets in fat cells. Typically, the process of weight loss is attempting to metabolize those triglycerides thus unlocking the stored carbon in the cells. Basically, to lose 10 kilograms of fat you require inhaling 29 kilograms of oxygen and producing 11 kilograms of water and 28 kilograms of carbon dioxide.


Excess body weight can be a source of great anxiety and stress among many people. Hence, the reason for why most people are constantly participating in activities that enhance their weight loss efforts. Excess body weight is closely linked with various ailments such as heart complications, arthritis, diabetes, obesity and blood pressure. But most people do not understand where the weight they lose goes. This can be explained by a simple scientific metabolic process. Scientists believe that weight is both lost as water and as a gas.
