
When SCOAN Becomes The Beacon Of Light In The Troubled Minds and Hearts

When people face problems in life, they prefer to take one of the two paths – to quit doing the thing they were doing, or else, going ahead and making a positive change in their life. The people who opt for the second path are the happier lot and they are surely doing so because they are motivated spiritually.

However, one has to remember that when a person faces problems big or small, he should not break down. However, it is easy to say, than do, but it surely difficult to help him tide through easily. It is easy to find a solution to a problem when one stops crying over spilt milk. If a family member meets with an accident or if there are piling expenses on the family, then it is surely very difficult to go ahead and think positively at least for some time. However, it is the only way possible to go for any change in life.

Positivity comes through faith and hope. Prayers help in this regard and when the innocent suffers on earth and feels listless, God is surely preparing something better for his future. This hope is what makes every one of us move forward. Pastor and founder TB Joshua of the Synagogue, Church of All Nations or SCOAN had started preaching and spreading the message of faith and prayers right from the time he was a child. Early in his life, he had suffered greatly belonging to a poor family in Nigeria. Later, when he, as a child found religion and the Word of God in school, he started reading and preaching even at such a tender age. He got his call later that helped him to establish SCOAN.

Today, SCOAN is not just a church in Lagos, Nigeria, but it is the church, that gets disciples and believers from all around the world. People who are suffering from any misery, loss, or disability or illness, come here to spend a day or seven at the church and not just get healing for their physical ailments, but also from mental afflictions.

People who really struggle to come to terms with many diseases or bad phase in life, might find solace when they come to the Sunday congregation at SCOAN where thousands others with similar depression might come and get relief.

It really feels nice and welcoming to hear scores of people praying for you. In fact, Prophet TB Joshua himself has prayed and continues to pray vehemently and often finds himself predicting the future courses and experiencing miracles.

Today, he heads a team of the SCOAN representatives and helps in curing and healing people who come from different corners of the world. He is endearing to those who visit and stay here. He chose eight men as Wisemen, who are assisting him worldwide in spreading peace, and healing people from around the world. Interested people might get to view the Sunday Church proceedings online or through Emmanuel TV. Prayers, after all, work when one puts in all the devotion and rely on God’s Word thoroughly.