
When is it Appropriate to Consider Claiming Compensation?

If you are unfortunate enough to suffer a serious accident such as a brain injury, you may wish to consider making a claim for compensation. If it can be established that the injury was the fault of a third party it is highly likely that you will be successful in seeking a financial remedy. The effects of such an injury can be life changing and in some cases long term. They may affect your ability to carry on with any career you had, as well as impacting on your personal life. You may suffer physical effects as well as long term changes within the brain that can affect coordination, speech and other cognitive related issues.

Consulting a specialist solicitor

With such a serious injury you would need to consult a specialist lawyer. If you are considering making a brain injury claim, you will need the assistance of a lawyer experienced in that particular field. There are plenty of firms in existence who deal specifically with the most serious injury claims, such as head and brain injuries as the result of an accident. These companies have plenty of knowledge and will be in a good position to advise you as to whether you can make a claim.

Once you have fully established that your injury was not your fault and a third party was involved, that would be the time to instruct a solicitor to proceed with your claim for compensation. It is a solicitor’s job to ensure that you receive the maximum financial remedy possible in your case. The impact of your injury on your future standard of life will be one of the main factors when establishing the precise amount you may be able to claim.

The exact amount of compensation for a serious injury will be based on many contributing factors, for example the level of current pain and suffering that you may be enduring, the effect it may have on your ability to return to your job, or return to work in any capacity in the future, as well as expenses you may have had with regards to any treatment you have already received. All of these factors will be fully investigated by your solicitor when you engage one to progress your claim.

Many companies who specialise in such serious injuries will have teams of advisors on hand to assist you with your claim. It is likely they deal with such cases on a daily basis so will have plenty of advice to give you peace of mind and a clear guideline on how your case will move forward. It is their paramount aim to ensure that the compensation you receive will be the absolute maximum available in relation to the type of injury you have suffered. They will often research similar cases and settlements that have taken place previously and will be in the best position to give you as accurate a figure as possible with regards to final settlement.

Sharon McQueen has been writing regularly about law and more specifically personal injury law for many years, contributing pieces about many areas including compensation and making a brain injury claim to legal websites and blog pages.