
What To Do When Your Bones Hurt

The skeletal system is innervated (supplied with nerves) just as is other tissue in the body, and is capable of signaling pain. Bone pain is a catchall term that describes symptoms arising from any number of physical conditions that affect the bones. The approach to use to get rid of bone pain depends on the specific condition involved.

Where does Bone Pain Come From?

 The most common conditions that involve pain in the bones include these:

Malnutrition:  A diet that isn’t rich enough in every important food group can possibly lead to vitamin and mineral deficiency. Osteoporosis can result, for instance, with deficiencies in vitamin D and calcium intake. The bones may wear out sooner than they can be built up. Osteoporosis also occurs naturally with age, especially among women. Improved diet and supplements can help.

Infection: Osteomyelitis, chickenpox, mononucleosis, measles and acute rheumatic fever, among other infectious diseases are capable of causing painful bone conditions. Osteomyelitis, especially, causes long-term bone damage.

Poor circulation: The bones can weaken when they do not receive adequate blood supply. In extreme conditions, poor blood supply can result in tissue death in the bones. Natural poor circulation, though, rarely causes such damage. It takes conditions such as sickle cell disease, a genetic disorder that results in serious anemia.

Joint pain: Joint pain is often misidentified as bone pain. Disc herniations, lumbar pain, cervical pain and other forms of chronic pain can be serious enough to be misidentified as localized in bone. Orthopedic doctors who specialize in back pain management and other forms of joint disorder can help.

Are Natural Remedies Possible?

 Unless a case of bone pain comes from obvious injury or disease, it can certainly help to see if switching to a diet that is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables helps. It can also help to get exercise, and to lose weight to take pressure off the bones. In most cases, these measures will easily help. When they don’t, though, finding medical assistance is important.

Finding a Doctor for Bone Pain

 An orthopedic doctor can offer insight into the causes of noninfectious diseases resulting in bone pain by first identifying the source of the pain correctly. Diagnostic tests such as CT scans and x-rays may be needed. Treatment usually involves noninvasive courses such as prescriptions of antibiotics. In rare cases, when infectious diseases have caused tissue death in areas of bone, surgery may be required to clean up the site.