
What Are The Job Duties Of A Dental Hygienist?

Anyone who has been to a dentist has also likely been seen by a dental hygienist in the process.

Dental hygienists are an integral part of a dentist office and provide valuable services to patients.

A dental hygienist makes a comfortable living and even though they aren’t officially dentists,

they can perform many of the same duties.

Here are some of the main job duties of a dental hygienist.


Most people have their teeth cleaned when they visit the dentist, and it is usually the dental hygienist that does the job.

They will remove both hard and soft deposits from teeth, remove stains, get rid of plaque and perform root planning, if necessary.

This cleaning job is one of the duties of a dental hygienist that is extremely important because it helps to keep bacteria away and prevent tooth decay and cavities.

That’s why having your teeth cleaned every six months is something you really shouldn’t miss.


A dental hygienist will also do a physical examination of the teeth and gums, looking and feeling for signs of disease or soreness that wasn’t there before.

If anything is found, it will be charted so the dentist can continue on with treatment.  There is also a complete examination of the gums to look for any sign of gum disease.

Fluoride Application

Another job duty of many dental hygienists is to apply fluoride treatment and other cavity prevention products to the teeth.

This is another way to stifle tooth decay and stop its progression.  It is often applied in trays that fit over the patient’s teeth similar to a mouth guard.

Develop X-Rays

Many dental hygienists will also expose and develop x-ray film of the patient’s teeth and jaws if the dentist has ordered them necessary.

X-rays are a common part of most dental practices, and it gives the dentist a much clearer picture of what is really going on in places he or she can’t see with the naked eye.


Along with the technical and physical skills, instruction and advice are important aspects of what a dental hygienist brings to the table.

They will teach patients the ins and outs of good oral hygiene, give demonstrations on how to use a tooth brush and floss and sometimes hold community sessions and act as an alternative to a dentist for those who can’t afford to go.

When you are in the dentist’s office and are with the hygienist, keep in mind that they are experts when it comes to dental hygiene and it will serve you well you listen to their advice and follow it to the letter.

Jon Hensley knows the benefits of being a dental hygienist.

To jump start your career, he recommends CADH because they are one of the leading For more information, visit their website now.