
Want to Perform Massage Therapy from Home? 4 Knots to Rub Out Before Opening Your Clinic

Starting your own massage business may prove to be a lucrative adventure. If you want to open your home-based clinic, you’ll want to take care of a few important details beforehand so that you can operate legally and protect yourself from certain liabilities. Here are four knots that you should rub out prior to starting your massage business.

Mind the Noise

Your clients will want to feel completely relaxed while getting their massages, and a noisy environment will make it more difficult for them to feel at ease. If your setting will be located on a busy city street, near a construction zone, or in a house with kids of pets, it’s important that you find ways to make your environment quieter. Pads can be placed on walls to block out sounds from outside. Playing some soothing music during massage sessions can also muffle some of the noise.

Take Care of Home Maintenance and Repair Work

Any necessary repair or maintenance work that’s neglected could put you at risk for liabilities if any of your clients sustain accidents and become injured. Contractors from a reliable roofing company can perform an inspection of your roof and repair any damage that may have gone unnoticed. Your electrical system should also be inspected by a professional to determine if there are any problems. Any damaged floorboards, windows, or doors should be addressed as well.

Clean Your Premises

A clean setting will decrease the likelihood of your clients getting sick while in your care. Cleaning can remove the dirt, dust, and germs that are known to cause allergic reactions and bacterial and viral infections. Instead of using standard commercial cleaning products that sometimes contain toxic substances, you can try using baking soda, vinegar, and other natural remedies to sanitize your setting. You can also hire a cleaning company that specializes in eco-friendly cleaning methods to do the work.

Handle Legal Matters

Some legal footwork will need to be done before starting your business. According to ABMP, states set their own licensing standards and education requirements. Purchasing a massage liability insurance plan will help protect you financially if a lawsuit is ever brought against you. You’ll also need to check with your local jurisdiction to find out the zoning and permit requirements.

Becoming a massage therapist will give you the freedom to work for yourself and set your own business practices. By taking care of the important details in advance, you can avoid many pitfalls that could be detrimental to your practice.