
Understanding Why We Procrastinate

Time is a universal equalizer and each one of us has the same amount of time each day. We need to allocate our time well for both work and play. Successful people are those who can balance their 24-hour cycle appropriately. One person may work longer in a day, but it doesn’t mean that they are wealthier. Part of our personal improvement is to discover how we can manage our time appropriately. Interruptions can happen and some unintended distractions could tempt us.

Regardless of what happen, we shouldn’t make them an excuse to postpone or even cancel a task. Procrastination can be dangerous, because it could delay a project and make us far less productive.

Procrastination is simply an act of habitually and intentionally delaying or postponing specific tasks. Procrastination can make us feel very regretful, especially if we become very unproductive in specific duration of time. In fact, the act procrastination could actually make us feel stressed. Often, people feel more relaxed at the end of the day, if they are able to achieve their goals and gain intended benefits.

Prolonged procrastination may cause to feel unworthy and have lower sense of self esteem. This happens when we fail to meet expectations. When we procrastinate, we may underestimate the scope of task that we are willing to do much less than necessary. When procrastination overwhelms our lifestyle, it could paralyze us and very few will be completed in specific period of time. In fact, many procrastinators are actually highly demanding and they set unrealistic goals. This could make them out of touch with their goals.

There are many things that prevent us from gaining success and procrastination is just one of them. Procrastinators simply undermine themselves and they put huge stone in their path to block their own success. We shouldn’t do things that can hurt our performance. Here are things we should do to understand why we procrastinate:

1. Write down things that we fail to do today and find out the reasons. This situation could be caused by internal or external factors. Eventually, it is important to evaluate whether these reasons are valid. This list should allow us to make proper baby steps towards becoming highly productive individuals.

2. Find out whether we underestimate the time needed to complete a task. Chronic procrastinators should have an ideal weekly planning mechanism that can help to determine the amount of time and effort to complete specific tasks. It is acceptable to determine things inaccurately for the first time, but we should soon be able to make some corrections.

3. Find out whether procrastination is a learned behaviour. In reality, we are not born as procrastinators. We should look back to the time when we start to procrastinate and find out factors that cause us to do that. Procrastinators could be affected by their environment, so it is important minimize negative effects of the society.

Dealing with procrastination can be difficult and the tendency may not change overnight. In general, poor habits could keep us from taking proper actions.

About: RV is a local seo services professional and has been helping many small businesses since 8 years.