
Treatments That Can Be Expected From A Dentist

Orange County dentist

When it comes to choosing a dental professional in Orange County, one should understand what types of treatments the dentist provides.  There is an array of treatments, a difference in procedures, as well as, other differences such as cost, demeanor, and availability that one should take into account when making their dental professional choice.

Any licensed Orange County dentist is able to perform routine exams, cleaning, and maintenance for one’s teeth.  This is a general or family dentist but there are those dentists who have continued their education and training to become specialists in different fields of dentistry.  This allows them to practice other techniques and procedures for their patients.  For instance, the following is a general look at the different fields and techniques that can be expected from certain dental professionals in the Orange County area.

Cosmetic Dentistry

A dentist that practices cosmetic dentistry has the education and training to perform procedures that help enhance and beautify one’s smile.  These types of procedures can include dental implants, porcelain crowns, veneers, and teeth whitening treatments.

Sedation Dentistry

A dental professional that practices sedation dentistry has the experience and knowledge to treat patients who suffer from dental phobias, anxiety, and certain medical conditions like Autism and Parkinson’s disease.  A sedation dentist provides a relaxing atmosphere for patients with the use of anti-anxiety medications.  There are a few different ways a sedation dentist may administer this medication but the two most common are oral sedation which allows a patient to take a pill form medication.  The other is inhalation sedation in which the patient would inhale nitrous oxide.  Either way the patient has a comfortable, pain and stress free dental visit.

Laser Dentistry

In Laser Dentistry, the dental professional utilizes state of the art equipment, retiring the drills and picks, making dental procedures more efficient and less painful for the patient.  In laser dentistry, the laser provides the expert pin point location leaving more healthy tissue undisturbed while making the patient spend less time in the chair.

Pediatric Dentistry

A Pediatric dentist focuses on the treatment of children.  As a specialist who has undertaken courses in child psychology and child behavior, they understand the importance of making a dental visit educational and fun.  They are specialists in assisting parents to teach their children proper oral hygiene habits.  They understand how to make it comfortable for a child to visit the dentist, as well as, the importance of treating any dental conditions to ensure the child is comfortable.

Emergency Dentistry

An Orange County dentist is available beyond normal working hours.  Some who practice emergency dentistry may offer extended hours or early morning hours to meet the needs of residents.  There are some dentists that also offer emergency contact service via the phone.  Some emergency dentists leave openings in their schedules to accommodate emergency situations.  Since no one can predict when a dental emergency will occur, many individuals feel more comfortable knowing their dental professional is available when they need them.