
Top Advantages Of Eating Apples

Top Advantages Of Eating Apples

An apple a day will keep the doctor away and has many other benefits.  Not only are apples tasty and delicious they reap some great benefits. Apples are a great source of vitamins, minerals and other important things that are must for proper growth. Here are the top five benefits that you can harvest from your apple:

All apples provide us with a great source of vitamins and minerals.  Eat your apples with the skin on to take advantage of all of them such as vitamin A and C for your immune system and for your eyes.

Apples are great for detoxification and cleansing of the body.  They help to clean your body of toxins such as mercury and lead.  Apples are a great source of soluble fiber, which will help clean the bowels. When you are having a bit of constipation, apples are a great way to get things moving again.

Apples are a good source of dietary fiber, at only 100 calories a small apple will provide you with about 3.5 grams of fiber which helps with glycemic control and is important for the prevention of heart disease and diabetes.  Soluble fiber helps with sugar spikes within the bloodstream and helps with cholesterol.

Apples are great for your teeth.  They help clean and brighten your teeth due to the fact that they are an acidic fruit and crunchy.  When you chew an apple its pieces brush against your teeth and because they are an acidic fruit they help remove stains.

Apples also lend a hand in your weight loss mission because they are low in calories, full of fiber and fill you up.  When you are hungry for a snack and want a sweet treat, reach for an apple.

Various researches have proved that taking apples that are rich in flavonol help to reduce the risk of getting infected by the pancreatic cancer. The triterpenoids present in the apple peel helps to protect the liver, breast and colon against the cancer cells.

Human body constantly takes toxins as these are present in food and drinks and liver is the organ responsible for cleaning these toxins from the body. Many doctors say that detox diet may help in wiping the toxins, but these are more harmful than useful. The easiest and healthiest way to detoxify the liver is to eat an apple per day as it is known to have anti-toxic properties.

About Author: A. Jhalani, holds years of experience and has a special interest in writing for health subjects. She was previously a fashion designer but discovered that penning down her thoughts on paper was more interesting. She has worked with many prestigious organizations like FabFurnish,, IHPL, Toppr, LuxuryLaunches and more in the recent years and produced reader-friendly content.