
Top 5 Interiors Blogs

Anyone who is thinking about redesigning their home or adding a splash of the latest colours and styles to their home will probably take a look online to find out what’s hot and what’s not.

The internet is also a great place to see ideas and read about the expert’s hints and tips for interior design and discover new design trends. Blogs are a good way to keep up to date with changing trends and here we take a look at a few to find out what they are all about.

1. Apartment Therapy

A really interesting and popular blog at the moment is apartment therapy whose mission is to help people to make their homes beautiful, organised and healthy. The website is run by Maxwell Ryan and his brother and is a mine of information which is all set out in a clear and easy way to understand.

Interior design inspiration cannot be too far away when you take a look at the vast number of subjects and information to be found in the huge list of drop down menus.

Apartment therapy’s daily blog will keep you up to date with the world of interiors, reviewing stores, offering tips and advice, offering inspirational photographs and answering reader’s questions.

2. Obsessilicious

Obsessilicious is a very visual blog and offers a wide range of photographs and design images to offer inspiration to any interior design project. There are ideas here for both inside and outside spaces as well as design tips and advice. There is a huge range of links which connect through to a staggering amount of design ideas and products and the whole site has a clean, modern and clear feel.

3. Decor 8

Decor 8 blog is penned by Holly Marder who is an Australian writer and interior design journalist. She currently resides in the Netherlands and her blog addresses all areas of interior design. On her site she documents style, interiors and lifestyle as well as DIY projects and even an online e-course called ‘blogging your way’.

4. Freshome

Freshome is a site which offers a huge range of ideas and advice on all areas of interior design. Offering inspiration as well as products and advice from a range of designers and manufacturers it is easy to while away the time exploring this interesting site.

5. Design Sponge

Design Sponge is run by the Brooklyn based writer Grace Bonney. The site gets updated around 6 to 8 times a day and attracts a wide and diverse range of readers. The site offers design inspiration for all areas of the home and includes ideas for furniture, curtains, textures, fabrics as well as some great DIY projects to get to grips with.

Keeping up to date with these websites and their daily blogs is a great way to keep up with changing trends and ideas. If you have any ideas for a DIY project for the home or maybe some nifty tips and tricks in the world of interior design, then feel free to let us know in the comment box below.

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Guest post written by Abbey Reed, massive fan of Design Sponge and currently doing research about new sofa covers.