
Thinking About WordPress? Boost Your Online Sales With Cloud e-commerce

The ubiquity of WordPress as a platform can make it seem like the only option available to a business looking to set up an e-commerce site. And the temptations go deeper than mere popularity, because WordPress is an undoubtedly easy publishing platform to use, even if you do not have a huge amount of technical knowledge.

However, in many cases it will be much better to embrace a dedicated, cloud-hosted e-commerce solution that is not tethered to WordPress, because this will not only put more flexibility and scalability at your fingertips, but could also have a marked impact on sales.

Security Issues

One of the problems that is faced by sites that are reliant on WordPress is that to create a more comprehensively tailored experience and avoid feeling generic, they must necessarily turn to third party plugins to enhance the underlying features. And this can lead to all sorts of security flaws being unleashed, as evidenced in a number of recent scandals.

An alternative strategy is to harness an underlying site platform hosted in the cloud which is less beholden to outside adaptations and yet can still be moulded to fit the requirements of your business. There are e-commerce specific solutions available to modern businesses, each of which can be tweaked and changed as necessary.

You can even take advantage of services like frooition ebay shop design to create e-commerce sites that are integrated with existing retail platforms and yet still retain a unique brand identity for your business.

Agencies can offer Bigcommerce design, Shopify creations and a range of other e-commerce solutions that benefit from things like enhanced SEO, product review support and even integration with social media services for further visibility improvements and sales growth.

Mobility Matters

Another reason to consider a cloud-based e-commerce platform other than a standard WordPress site is that you can take advantage of emerging trends without being hampered by archaic underlying ecosystems. And with more potential customers browsing from smartphones and tablets, mobile optimisation and responsive design sensibilities are especially important.

The latest statistics from Conlumino show that the internet has become an even more popular destination for shopping than bricks and mortar outlets, but this simply means that things are more competitive than ever for e-commerce firms.

Capitalising on both desktop and mobile traffic is only achievable if the site is well designed and the platform holding it up is resilient and reliable. So for consistency and continuity, a cloud-powered e-commerce solution is the best bet. The cloud is touted as being flexible and affordable, but when it comes to hosting it is also more reliable than you might imagine, especially compared with any older site that is hosted on-site. Cloud e-commerce vendors have the ability to keep client sites live round the clock, minimising unscheduled outages and keeping customers happy no matter when they want to shop.

WordPress is by no means irrelevant in the modern marketplace, but for e-commerce sites there are much better options.