
Things You Should Know About Mobile Spy

Things You Should Know About Mobile Spy

What Does this Spyware Do?

During installation, you can select the location of the data to be sent to. This tracker supports different types of file formats that can rapidly be played on any PC and you can easily download it from Mobile spy.

Obtains Data from Text Messages

– It track your text messages that are sent or received by the framed phone and sends them to your live User Control Panel where they can be viewed instantly or to your phone (if you select to send all obtained information to your phone).

Records Pictures and Videos

– High-resolution pictures and videos that have been recorded by the phone that you are framing are captured immediately and sent to your selective email address (the one you chose at the time of installation).

Tracks Phone Location

– With the help of GPS, any phone which has the GPS enabled can be monitored as it follows and every 10 seconds you get an updated location automatically.

Reasons Why You May Need This?

To protect your children from harm, trouble or the wrong affection. In fact, many parents were shocked to learn that their child was taking drugs and involved with the bad gangs. So, be prepared for this action and keep your eye on them. It helps to bother workers from misusing company mobile for making personal calls which prevents the organization from losing money here. It can be utilized to detect a person being examined for cases such as theft, murder etc.

What if Records are Quickly Deleted?

This phone tracking app also captures every single incoming and outgoing text as well as call details so quickly that even if u delete them they get saved after the communication. It carries out this task round the clock.

How Many Phones Can You Frame?

There is no certain limit. You can frame as many phones at a time as you like. There is no need to get a new license if you want to track another phone. However, every license provided to you can be utilized until and unless you are using same smart phone. A change in the mobile number will never effect the functions of this app. You do not need to reinstall the Mobile spy application.

How to Install the Application on your Phone

You can install in any of the following ways:

(1)   Bluetooth connectivity

(2)   Sending the files from your computer to the cell phone using a USB cable.