
Things You Need to Know About Mobile Marketing

New Opportunities in Mobile MarketingFinding a mobile marketing service may seem like a daunting task, but it is critical if you want to promote yourself and your company.  Here are some things you need to know:  the technological world has opened up many doors for advertising via mobile marketing service.  Virtually everyone has some sort of mobile device that connects to the internet, be it a phone or one of the numerous tablets available today.  This has opened opportunities for the “old time” internet marketing to go mobile, and many businesses are taking full advantage.


A good mobile marketing service will tell you that e-mail is still a killer way to reach your audience and get more business.  The key is to get them to sign up for the e-mails.  How is that done?  Offer them something in return.  Many restaurants offer a free dessert or appetizer in exchange for signing up for their emails.  How do they adapt this to the mobile era?  Make the coupon one that does not have to be printed.  Rather allow the user to simply show their mobile device and have it scanned, and they receive the free item or discount.  This works for other businesses as well and generally it works best if perks come periodically.  This keeps customers opening those emails.

Text Messaging

A great many businesses are offering text promotions similar to email lists.  Customers can test a simple message to a simple number and receive periodic updates from the company.  The same hook works here.  Typically a discount or free items is offered at sign up, and then occasionally a text will come that offers an exclusive discount by simply showing the text when making the purchase.  This is another area where a mobile marketing service can help out, as they can handle all of the incoming and outgoing texts for any campaign and relieve the business owner of those duties.

Social Media

Facebook and Twitter campaigns have been popular for a while, but mobile devices now allow customers to participate anytime, anywhere.   And increasing number of businesses are making Facebook promotions available by showing the mobile device as well as printing, meaning it is no longer necessary to find a printer before taking advantage.  These campaigns can grow very rapidly, with Facebook responses and Tweets reaching into the thousands quickly.  A mobile marketing service can focus on all of this, as well as monitor the sites involved; ensuring nothing slips through the cracks.

With the world of mobile marketing growing by leaps and bounds, it is wise for business owners to find help when it comes to starting and maintaining a successful mobile marketing campaign.  While in the beginning it may not be a big deal, a mobile marketing service can definitely be beneficial in long term.

To learn more about a mobile marketing service, visit LiveIntent.