The Truth of Garcinia Cambogia and Weight Loss

There are thousands of weight loss programs and many more weight loss supplements which promise you slimmer and sexier figure in a matter of weeks but the reality is very few of them actually work and sometimes when they do work there might be some serious side effects of the supplements. But there is one product that not only aids you in losing weight but also is 100 percent natural with no known side effects. And this amazing product is Garcinia Cambogia.
Now many research studies suggest that when combined with a healthy diet and a regular exercise regime, intake of the garcinia Cambogia extract in supplement form does quicken weight loss.
Garcinia Cambogia is a small sour tasting fruit found in Asia and has been used for a long time – for centuries. It is usually used to add a sour flavour to delicious hot curries and for adding spice in chutneys. It is also widely used in Asia to preserve and cure fish of many varieties. .
Until Dr. Oz referred to this fruit as the “holy grail of weight loss “in his television show most of the world was ignorant about the benefits of this fruit.
How does it work?
The precise extract that is present in this fruit’s supplements is hydroxycitric acid (HCA) and this component works in two ways to stimulate weight loss:
First, it subdues your appetite by increasing the serotonin levels in the brain. The lower serotonin levelis related to anxiety and depression, due to which many people tend to binge eat. Therefore, as the serotonin levels grow, your mood improves and there is less desire towards binge eating.
Second, hydroxycitric acid HCA halts the fat building process in your body by preventing a very important enzyme called citrate lyase that the body needs to produce fat from carbohydrates. In some cases it also may aid inlowering LDL or the “bad” cholesterol.
Is Garcinia Cambogia for everyone?
While the rind and the fruit Garcinia Cambodia has been consumed safely for many years by people of Indian and South Eastern origin, but pregnant ladies and breast feeding mothers should not take this supplement. Same goes for people who are highly diabetic they must consult their doctor or physician before popping a Garcinia Cambogia supplement as it may cause sudden drop in blood sugar. Also it is not recommended for children and people suffering from Alzheimer’s. Lastly, just like all other dietary supplements, garciniacambogiahas not been evaluated by the FDA for its effectiveness.
Safety and Side Effects
Many tests have revealed that the Garcinia Cambogia extract is totally nontoxic, natural and safe. And anyway it is being used in Asia for decades without any known side effects. Research conclusions show that this product does not hinder the energy production, nutrient metabolism, or any other vital biochemical procedure of the body.
Does it really work?
Understandably, only taking this fruit’s supplement shall not aid you shed pounds. Nonetheless the combination of a healthy diet and proper exercise, with this supplement has shown some promising results. In fact, participants who took garciniacambogiain a current study had lostnearby3-4 pounds a month, on average.