
The Secret Of Getting The Best Education For Your Child In Turkey

Have you just moved to Turkey with your children and you feel like it is quite complicated to get proper education for them? Well then, this article dissects some of the things you must know to get the best education for your kids here. Basically, it is very important to know what to expect before settling on any institution of learning. You don’t want to get your kid a school that is of low quality and teaches the kid moral conflicting with the ones you highly regard. First of all, it will be important to understand the education structure in this country.

How Education is Structured in Turkey

The Turkish constitution grants kids the right to free education and makes it compulsory for every one of them. Perhaps this is with the exception of the few licensed institutions which may not necessarily teach Turkish. The education system is divided into three stages of 4 years each for boys and girls to attend. In total, your kid will have to spend 12 years or more in school. The ministry of national education is charged with the responsibility to administer the whole sector and make the environment more comfortable for learning.

What to Expect

The country’s academic calendar runs from September to join with some variation between the rural and urban schools. The school runs from Monday to Friday and feature both morning and afternoon sessions. Expect a two week winter break between January and February for you kid. You will need to go through some of these issues first before you decide on the perfect school for your kid.

Finding Suitable School

The real issue is in finding the best school for you kids. Due to the huge expert community in this nation there are numerous international schools for you to choose from. This becomes important especially when you don’t want to you kid to learn the native language over the one back in your home country. It is even better as the government allows both local and foreign kids to access free education for 8 years. However, most of the institutions lack proper facilities to fully equip your kid. That’s why it will be viable to opt for the private schools. If you are planning to live in big cities like Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir, then you won’t need to hassle so much to find a perfect school.

For instance, most brits find the British International School in Istanbul to be a good option. Students of over 2 years to eighteen years can join and covers the ICSE. Students are able to learn the same curriculum as that in their home country without being disadvantaged. Those in Ankara can easily choose between the Oasis International University and the Bilkent University preparatory school.

Finally, it is now clear that turkey offers the perfect schooling features for any visitor to the country. The good thing is that one can always choose between the institutions and join that which perfectly suits their needs. It will be very important to browse through the different schools online and settle on the one that offers the best deal. With this knowledge, simply apply for your turkey visas and spend some time in this attractive nation.