
The Positive Benefits Of Non-Invasive Treatment To Relieve Lower Back Pain

The Positive Benefits Of Non-Invasive Treatment To Relieve Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain can vary in intensity from mildly annoying to completely disabling. The vast majority of people will suffer from lower back pain, or lumbar spine pain, at some point in their lives, and it is currently the leading cause of work-related disability. Lower back pain can occur for a number of reasons, and it can be difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of the pain. The vast majority of people experience acute pain that can be relieved with rest or appropriate treatment. Chronic pain can linger for months or even years and will not respond to many forms of treatment. New breakthroughs in non-invasive treatment methods are now providing relief to thousands of people afflicted with lower back pain, and the therapies offer many benefits over standard treatment methods.

Causes of Lower Back Pain

Degenerative or Herniated Disc – The lower back receives a lot of wear and tear throughout a person’s life due to high-impact sports, heavy lifting, poor posture and exercise. Over time, the discs that sit between the vertebrae can begin to shrink or become damaged. This is known as degenerative disc disease. Each disc also has a soft jelly-like center that is used as a shock absorber to stop the vertebrae grinding against each other. A herniated disc refers to a condition where the soft center of the disc ‘bulges’ out and irritates surrounding nerves.

Spondylolisthesis – Spondylolisthesis occurs when one vertebra slips forward over the one beneath it causing pain, weakness and numbness.

Osteoarthritis – Osteoarthritis is a type of arthritis where the cartilage surrounding the joints begins to break down and wear away.

Spinal Stenosis – Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal canal that compresses the spinal cord. This condition mostly affects those over 50.

What Are The Benefits Of Non-Invasive Treatment For Lower Back Pain?

Non-invasive treatments offer a number of benefits over surgery, and many people find relief from chronic lower back pain using a combination of different methods. Cold laser therapy can relieve chronic back pain and even rebuild damaged tissues to promote healing after just a few sessions. Other therapies such as spinal decompression, massage, chiropractic care and certain exercises can also make a difference. Non-invasive treatments are less traumatic for the patient and do not require several weeks healing time. Most therapies are also far cheaper than surgery, and patients do not have to wait several months to receive treatment. A small number of those that undergo surgery for disorders such as a herniated disc may even experience a worsening of their condition along with additional symptoms such as loss of bowel function and reduced mobility.

Living with chronic pain increases a person’s risk of disorders such as depression and anxiety and can often lead to substance abuse issues. Fast, effective treatment is essential to avoid additional complications and help sufferers improve their quality of life. Non-invasive treatment methods should always be applied first as they result in the least amount of trauma to the patient and cause less side effects.