
The Best Positions Pertaining To Breastfeeding

The Best Positions Pertaining To Breastfeeding

Though the concept of breastfeeding may seem a tinge simple, but trust me it is not that easy as it sounds. You should be aware of the best positions of breastfeeding new born, so that you have a successful and satisfying experience on all counts.

There are 5 major positions for breastfeeding and each one of it has its pros along with cons. There are few points to consider, but the key is to be comfortable in a situation that goes on to provide support to the baby.

Cross cradle

This is one of the best positions for breastfeeding. You are seated in a comfortable chair with armrests. The baby should be held in the crook of your arm and this is across the breast from where you are feeding the baby. The right arm for the left breast and vice versa. The other hand should be used to support the breast from underneath. Once this position is got control off then you can move over to the cradle position.

Cradle hold

The baby is being cradled on the lap and they would be lying on your side. If the need arises you can go on to support the baby and the elbows can be supported as well. You are bound to require pillow support in the first few weeks of pregnancy when the size of the baby happens to be very small. You may also need to go on to support the breast.

Breastfeeding in a laid back mode

In this position what happens is that you lie on a couch or a bed that is going to support your shoulders or head. Once again being comfortable and having plenty of support is the key. You should go on to support the baby in such a manner that goes on to make you comfortable. The cheek of the baby should rest on the breast and you would need to guide them to the nipple.

The Clutch

Women who have had a C section may find this position to be very comfortable as you keep the baby away from the incision. The head of the baby is supported by the hand and with the help of the arm you support the back. The other arm is going to support the breast. Ideally the baby should go on to support the mother at a nipple height. If the baby is small you would need to rely on the use of pillows to bring them to the correct height.

Position of side lying

Nursing a baby lying down in the first few weeks of pregnancy is a desired outcome especially when you would need to take a lot of rest at night. Here the mother and the baby lie on opposite sides facing each other. If you need support, then you can go on to use pillows behind the knees or the back. It is suggested that you roll in the baby with a blanket so that they do not roll away.