
The Art Of Reducing & Managing Apparel Returns Online: Tips, Tricks & Digital Solutions

You’ve got a busy day ahead of you running your ecommerce store. There are inventories to update, products to order so you can restock things, bills to pay, fulfillment to tackle and…. the apparel returns online that you know your customers will be making. These are all important aspects of running your business and in earmarking profits. But what you don’t know about apparel returns online could be detracting from your customer service model and your profits.

To help you better improve your logistics, we’ve created this article. It relies upon authority information that has been sourced from other white papers about apparel returns online. Use the tips offered here to improve your returns system and process, so you attract more customers and better retain the ones that you already have.

Revamping Your Returns Policy

Start with the return policy. Why? Because it could be costing you a lot more lost sales than you think. About 80% of people polled in a UPS survey said that free return shipping and easy returns were a huge factor in them making a purchase. In another related survey, 60% said they read your return policy and base their buying decision off it. Finally, a 49 month study found that by offering free returns you can increase profits by as much as 300% or more. Redo your returns policy to reflect these metrics, and you can instantly enjoy a boost in sales.

Reducing the Rate of Returns

When tackling apparel returns online, one goal is to reduce these numbers. To help you with this, here are some simple measures you can take.

· Look for clothing sizing apps. They can help your shoppers find the right size the first time so fewer returns are made.

· Add plenty of pictures with numerous angles to give shoppers a better idea of what they are buying.

· Integrate product videos so shoppers can see what the product looks like in video format.

· Add more content and descriptions to better describe the products.

· Integrate a live chat support so you can assist shoppers and help them find the right product the first time.

Integrating a System for Apparel Returns Online

Knowing how to reduce the rate of returns and update your return policy is one thing. Actually managing them appropriately is quite another. You’ll need a good system in place so you can rely upon logistics. A number of providers make software that drops into your website. We did some research on Google and found a provider called TrueShip that makes a software system for apparel returns online called ReadyReturns. Plug-and-play solutions like this can automate the return process, making it easy and fast for your customers while doing most of the legwork for your business.