
The Art of Massage with Bamboo

The Art of Massage with Bamboo

Known for its healing properties, this beating works at all levels to balance, calm and energise you physically, mentally and spiritually.

If you’re attractive for a ambulatory beating treatment, there’s annihilation added good than the blooming bamboo beating therapy. Considered to be one of the best able plants on earth, bamboo has becoming its acceptability from its holistic and bendable appearance, as able-bodied as its backbone beneath acrid conditions. Accepted to symbolise strength, fertility, youth, abundance and accord in the Orient, this bulb has become one of the best coveted adorableness capacity of contempo times.

What is it?

Bamboo beating is an avant-garde way to accommodate Swedish or abysmal tissue beating application acrimonious bamboo to cycle and aerate the tissue to actualize an acute awareness of alleviation and well-being. Bamboo beating is additionally acclimated as a able antitoxin analysis adjoin modern-day accent and to aid abatement from abounding concrete and affecting problems.

Improves your bark tone

Apart from abating you of accent and tension, bamboo beating is additionally accepted to advance the arrangement of your skin. The silica from bamboo abstract helps your anatomy blot capital minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium. It additionally offers anti-irritant backdrop that allay your bark aback activated anon through creams and lotions. Silica plays a abundant role in befitting your bark and beard healthy. Apart from this, it can alike allay eczema and psoriasis. Bamboo abstract contains antioxidants that advice minimise wrinkles.

Technique acclimated in bamboo beating therapy

A bamboo beating is about done with a alveolate organically-treated bamboo pikestaff of altered lengths and diameters, which is broiled or acclimated at allowance temperature. Best sticks of assorted widths are acclimated for gliding strokes, admitting abate accoutrement can be acclimated for added abundant work. The canes are acclimated as a apparatus in all modalities of massage. This is believed to be an age-old therapy. The bamboo pikestaff replaces the duke of the therapist. It is able to accord a deeper, firmer massage. The pikestaff is captivated by the therapist and formed over the beef with the aforementioned acclamation they would use with their hands. Some masseurs amalgamate the elements of Shiatsu, acceptable Chinese, Thai and Indian Ayurvedic techniques into the beating for best results. The beating ensures circulation, acoustic assumption acumen and provides a abysmal faculty of alleviation and serenity. Stimulation of the tissue by the bamboo stick helps in accepting abatement by administration the calefaction that after-effects from an accession of toxins and poor circulation. The beef is again kneaded, which assists in the absolution of astriction and abatement of knots. Agnate to massage, it promotes circulation, alleviation and added accepted benefits.


It relieves neck, accept and high aback affliction able-bodied as acerbity Improves the affection of beddy-bye and helps indisposition It increases brainy accuracy and cures abasement It increases aqueous arising and helps abolish toxins from the anatomy Encourages the body’s accustomed healing abilities It releases endorphins, which is your body’s accustomed painkiller


Bamboo beating is believed to be agnate to hot bean therapy. It brings the aforementioned warming, abatement aftereffect of hot bean into the beating after all the added time, blend and basic assignment that bean analysis has. In accession to this, bamboo is believed to authority the calefaction best as compared to stones. The bamboo sticks are captivated in a heating pad to balmy them.


The bamboo admixture beating was fabricated accepted by Nathalie Cecilia, a avant-garde and baton in the beating industry. She alien this analysis in 2004. She started application balmy bamboo sticks for beating aback her easily and wrists started affliction with abysmal tissue work. Application the bamboo apparatus gave her added backbone and backbone to administer added pressure.