
The Accreditation Process For A Freight Exchange

If you are looking to join a freight exchange and develop your business with the help of an online system, then you will be required to undergo a strict accreditation process. The freight exchange concept is based on bringing drivers, freight forwarders and haulage companies together with loads and jobs, in an attempt to maximise the efficiency of the industry. Accreditation is extremely important if the freight exchange is to be one that can guarantee the quality and credibility of its members. As a company considering getting involved with a freight exchange, you too will want the reassurance that contacts that come your way are reliable and offer a quality service and ethical way of working.

The Accreditation Process

Once you have made the positive decision to join a freight exchange there are certain procedures that need to be undergone before you can go live on the system as a credible business. The first major requirement is proof of all documentation necessary for your business, including drivers’ licences, operators’ licences, insurance certificates, association membership and proof of your business address. This is a simple first step of accreditation and one that must be taken before you can progress further.

All of the provided information is kept by the admin team and monitored consistently throughout your membership. You are required to keep all documents up to date and organise renewal where necessary. A notification process is in place so that when renewal of documents is necessary, you are alerted via the system. On provision of these documents you can move on to the next step.

On your personal account, as a member, you can also upload and manage compliance documents for both your drivers and your vehicles plus any information concerning sub-contractors can be logged for future reference.

Your Profile

When you are filling in the required profile you must fill in as much detail as possible. This is so that when jobs are sent to you, you know that they are completely relevant and tick all of your requirements boxes. Your vehicle specifications, your availability and your load carrying capacity should all be updated constantly so that real-time availability can be used as opposed to relying on predicted availability. This will help you fill empty return journeys and maximise gaps in jobs.


Once you are a fully-fledged member, you will be encouraged to access the exchange feedback initiative, which is a system that has been put in place to allow drivers and companies to comment on jobs done, activity carried out and good trading practice. This is a very pro-active way to keep a track on standards and provide a forum where companies can interact and converse. Should any complaints arise, they are picked up by the system and a management driven investigation is consequently initiated.

The accreditation process may seem strict but it is in the interest of everyone using the system. Peace of mind that you are dealing with people of a sound reputation in business cannot be underestimated.