
Telescopic Handler Operation Safety Tips – Plant Proactivity

A telescopic handler in operation

It’s probably safe to say that busy sites and industrial environments aren’t what you’d call the safest of locations. There are some pretty nasty statistics about the kind of stuff that goes on across so many of the UK’s building sites each and every year – needless to say it makes for pretty grim reading.

But here’s the real kicker – at least 99 out of every 100 site accidents could have been easily prevented altogether, had it been for a little added proactivity…common sense, if you like.

It’s not like its rocket-science really – when and where there’s heavy plant machinery in operation, there are risks and hazards that cannot be ignored. The biggest problem comes by way of the fact that most of those that end up involved in accihdents find themselves blaming another party – it’s always someone else’s fault when the proverbial hits the fan. You’re trained day in and day out that safety is a shared responsibility, so why does it all fly out of the window so often?

Throw caution to the wind and it’s not just your own health and safety you’re putting at risk – it’s the very lives of all those working around you too. It all sounds like the kind of doom and gloom you’d rather not be reading, but in all honesty it’s a pretty easy job to take care of everyday safety if everyone chips in.

So on the subject of Telescopic Handler safety, here’s a look at a few of the most important tips of all, fresh from the minds of the UK’s construction elite:

Pedestrian Safety

It’s not only up to the drivers of the Telescopic Handler and the site’s bosses to look after what goes on – all workers and pedestrians around have a responsibility to live up to as well.

Driver Safety

As far as the driver goes, it’s safe to say that exercising general everyday care and attention counts for a lot, but at the same time it needs to be taken a few steps further for the benefit of all involved.

Site Manage Safety Tips

As for the site’s bosses, the difference a little proactivity can make can be huge – here’s a look at a few final tips: