
Teaching Children About Finances

Teaching Children About Finances

In 2014, financial education was included into England’s secondary school curriculum. While this was a step forward in improving financial education for children and school-leavers, the problem was far from solved.

According to research carried out by The Money Charity in 2016, 90% of schools were delivering financial education. While uptake figures are pleasing, the quality of the education delivered tells a different story.

66% of teachers surveyed thought the financial education delivered was either somewhat or very ineffective. In fact, three out of five teachers said the curriculum change had no impact and worryingly, a third of teachers didn’t know financial education was on the curriculum.

A mixture of factors is held responsible for this poor outlook on the UK’s financial education, from its position within the wider curriculum to a lack of training for teachers.

What impact is a lack of financial education and responsibility having? Research from The Money Advice Service has found that children aged 12 to 17 whose parents made their spending decisions for them were more likely to spend unnecessarily and have poorer money management skills.

Clearly, young people need strong financial education and hands-on experience of managing their money — and part of this responsibility lies with parents, not just teachers. 80% of parents believe it is their responsibility to teach their children about finances — yet one in six don’t feel confident doing so.

To help, stocks and shares ISA provider and investment specialist, True Potential Investor, has provided the following tips for teaching your children about finances and how they can be more responsible with their money.

Start their financial education early

According to The Money Advice Service, your child’s attitude to money will be determined by the time they reach the age of seven. It’s important that you start talking to them about money and what it means early.

Underline the difference between essential and non-essential spending

There’s a difference between what your child wants and what they actually need — and often, children don’t understand the cost of what they are asking for.

Help them identify goals and work towards them

As we’ve mentioned above, you can not only influence your child’s attitude to spending but also saving. If they start saving towards a games console or other item, encourage them to budget with the money they have. This is applicable whatever the age of your child, whether they’re dealing with pocket money or wages from their first job.

Teach teens what they’ll need

It can be difficult for teens to transition between attending school and becoming more financially responsibly as they move onto college and university. As a parent, you’ll need to prepare them the best way you can:

By instilling financial responsibility into your children from a young age, you can better prepare them for managing their money in later life.

Of course, one of the best ways of doing so is through leading by example. True Potential Investor’s parent company, True Potential LLP, has partnered with the Open University to establish the True Potential Centre for the Public Understanding of Finance, establishing three free personal finance courses to help improve financial confidence across the UK. More information can be found here.


Financial education in schools: how to fix two lost years?