
Tamarind Benefits For Human Health

Tamarind Benefits For Human Health

The tamarind is a very special fruit-shaped pod, which comes from a tree with the same name. It is native to Africa, although today it is consumed and marketed worldwide. As for consumption, you should know that you can prepare many dishes with the fruit, from pies, cakes and even many other desserts. Also, in some specific cultures, it is used as a condiment; also, you can also make drinks or juices by the rich flavor that gives the tamarind. This fruit is used to prevent cardiovascular disease through ownership lower total and LDL or bad cholesterol.

It is a good source of several minerals such as potassium, copper, calcium, iron, selenium, zinc and magnesium. It also contains B vitamins like thiamine and niacin, pyridoxine and some amounts. Today we want to talk tamarind as it also has many benefits and is highly recommendable to take care of our health.

Health Benefits

Dietary fiber helps reduce cholesterol. It is useful in preventing constipation, prevents toxins remain in the bowel and thereby reduces the risk of colon cancer.

The pulp is used in a poultice and applied to the swollen joints it helps to get relief.

Potassium containing effectively regulates blood pressure, while iron tamarind maintains hemoglobin levels.

It has a laxative effect.

The tamarind pulp relieves flatulence, indigestion and vomiting.

Gargle with tamarind water relieves sore throat.

Polysaccharides increase resistance to infection, stimulating and increasing immunity.

Are you aware of all these benefits offered by tamarind? Undoubtedly we use them and begin to incorporate them into our diet if we did not have in mind. That you consume two or three times weekly, soon you’ll start enjoying all the benefits they provide. Dare to bring them into your everyday dishes and you’ll not regret it at all.

Some Precautions with Tamarind

The tamarind is considered safe for human consumption, and can be used in the preparations you like. However, it can increase the risk of bleeding when taken with drugs that have anticoagulant effects, such as aspirin, and platelet drugs. So we must take this into account.

Although there is no known contraindication for consumption in pregnant and breastfeeding women should take the advice of a physician before including it in your diet.

Because of its concentration of fiber and sugar, tamarind should be consumed in moderation in the case of diabetic patients. As we always say, we hope that today’s publication will be of great help to take care healthily.