Taking Care of Hair after Hair Rebonding
![Taking Care of Hair after Hair Rebonding](https://medusamagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Taking-Care-of-Hair-after-Hair-Rebonding.jpg)
If you accept got a rebonding done recently, here’s what you charge to accumulate in mind
– Right afterwards you’re done your rebonding, there are a brace of things that you charge to accumulate in apperception so that your beard is not damaged.
– Accomplish abiding that you do not ablution your beard at atomic for three canicule afterwards the treatment. Let the calefaction achieve in.
– Do not blow or tie your beard or abrasion any accessories for three-four days.
– While bathing, accomplish abiding to abrasion a battery cap to anticipate your beard from acceptable wet.
– Do not use any beard articles on your mane. For example, beard oil or beard serums etc.
– While combing your beard accomplish abiding that you don’t use force on the knots, this will accomplish your beard breakable and will additionally blemish the arrangement of your hair.
– In case you feel that your beard has developed any knots or has a ambit in the middle, appointment your stylist at the earliest.
– For a advantageous mane, it is acutely important to booty affliction of your rebounded hair.
– To anticipate beard accident and additionally ensure that your beard does not get damaged, here’s what you charge to do.
– Accomplish abiding that you use a absterge that is acceptable for beeline beard only.
– Administer a conditioner every time you shampoo/wash your hair.
– Remember to administer a beard serum afterwards you’ve towel-dried your hair.
– Oil your beard on a approved basis.
– You can try application accustomed beard masks fabricated with aloe vera gel, curd, eggs or olive oil every already in a week.
– Remember to beef your beard every fortnight. You can alternatively dip a anhydrate in balmy baptize and about-face it about your beard as well. This will accommodate abysmal conditioning to your mane.