
Symptoms Of Dengue

Dengue fever is caused due to virus, and Aedes Aegypti mosquito is responsible for transmission of the virus from one person to another person. Aedes Aegypti mosquito grows up in rainy season but can also breed in contaminated water in ponds, pots, container, plastic bags etc. so to stay away from such kind of disease we should always try to keep our surrounding clean and also should not keep contaminated water around our surrounding in which the Aedes Aegypti mosquito breeds.

Below are Symptoms of Dengue:

In minor cases of dengue fever people especially children’s and teens might not experience any symptoms of dengue fever. Symptoms of Dengue Fever might be experienced usually after four to six days after getting bitten by infected Dengue virus mosquito and can last up to 10 days, these symptoms of dengue includes.

Most the time people might recover from dengue fever within a week but in serious cases of dengue can worsen the situation and make condition life threatening which makes blood vessels damaged and leaky. And the numerous clot-forming cells or platelets in bloodstream drops which can cause

Also Know: Home Remedies for Mosquito Bites

Dengue Fever is also known by name break bone fever as the person who gets infected by dengue usually experiences breaking bone unexpected high fever and intense joint pains that’s the reason behind of calling dengue fever as break bone fever. Sometimes the symptoms are very mild so in this situation you can be mistaken with symptoms of other viral infection or flu. Young children’s or people who have never had any infections previously might face minor case of dengue as compared to older children’s and adults. In major case of dengue serious problems may arise such as dengue hemorrhagic fever, bleeding from the nose and gums, failure of the circulatory system, a rare complication characterized by high fever, damage to lymph and blood vessels, and enlargement of the liver. Progress of such symptoms may cause shock, constant bleeding, and death which are called as dengue shock syndrome.

People who have weak immune system and those people who have been infected before by dengue fever might be at a greater risk to develop dengue hemorrhagic fever.

If you are facing all these symptoms of dengue or if you have doubt that you have been infected by dengue than it is strongly recommended to visit a doctor for proper treatment as soon as possible, as dengue is very risky disease which can even ruin one’s life.

Steps to Take to Prevent Dengue

There is no specific vaccine to prevent dengue fever as of now, but one of the best ways to prevent Dengue is to prevent bitten by infected mosquitoes by following few below precaution.

Keep your environment safe, and don’t keep contaminated water around your surroundings.

Use mosquito repellents.

Wear long pants, long sleeved and socks in indoors as well as outdoors if possible.

If air condition available at your home use it.

Use mosquito nets while sleeping, as well as also make sure that doors, windows and other areas are free from holes.

Author Bio: VJay is a professional blogger, and author of, who loves to share tips about health, fitness and well-being, weight loss tips, natural home remedies, skin care, beauty and many more.