
Success Tips For New Managers

Success Tips For New Managers

If you are a newly promoted manager, you are sure to be excited. At the same time, you may also have butterflies in your stomach as you think about the challenges of the new job. Now, it is important to avoid making common mistakes as they will affect your team members too. To help you smoothly transition to the new assignment, we provide effective success tips you can try.

Alter Your Focus

As a contributor, you had the luxury of focusing solely on your individual efficiency and productivity. As a manager, the challenge is more difficult as now you have to motivate your team members to do their best. Your team’s performance becomes crucial and you will be judged on the results they deliver. If they fail, you fail. If they prove successful, ensure you don’t take all the credit and praise, but share them with the members so that they also bask in the glory. This will inspire them to do more for you and the company.

Work Smart

Start by making yourself familiar with the tools and resources used by your company. If your new assignment entails utilizing B2B software solutions, consult a reliable online source such as the review site to learn about their pros and cons.

Let’s say you’re managing projects. You should be open to getting a reliable project management software to help you run things efficiently. But don’t just settle for a top solution; often, you’ll need to look for options and compare features and pricing. If you like Asana, for instance, also search for an Asana alternative to match product specs and get the best value for your money.

You can also do extra homework and find organizations, websites, blogs, books, and articles that offer useful information for your role and industry. Focus on continuously developing and improving your skills to become an effective manager.

Listen to Your Team Members

Resist the urge to throw your weight around and make quick changes without enough thought. Instead, take your time to understand your role and new team members. Talk to each one of them personally and learn about their interests and attitude so that you can help them achieve their goals efficiently.

Ask your staff members about the issues they face and get their feedback on ideas to improve the company. This will tell them you care for them and value their work and input. Use open communication to build positive work relationships with your team members. Tell them that they can contact you anytime about pressing matters.

Beware of Relationship Shifts

Your promotion as manager may generate jealousy and ill-will among your peers. Therefore, don’t try to please everybody. Be friendly towards your colleagues but do not play favorites with those close to you. Treat all team members on the same even keel to prevent anyone from feeling resentful. Tell your friends clearly that though you value the relationship, you need to be consistent and fair when it comes to judging and analyzing their work performance.

Be a Role Model

As a manager, you cannot afford the luxuries of coming late to office or gossiping about your boss and colleagues. Your attitude and actions will be keenly scrutinized by your team members and other employees. Therefore, take care to be on your best behavior at all times. Lead by example and inspire others to follow suit. This means being objective without personal biases, keeping your word, meeting deadlines, and offering your optimum efforts for your team members and company.

Keep Your Boss in the Loop

Though you are now a leader, you still have to report to your boss. Therefore, keep him or her updated about your team’s goals and progress. Make sure your objectives are in line with your superior’s priorities. Meet him or her regularly to discuss issues and important tasks. This will ensure the entire department works cohesively as a single unit.

Utilize the Knowledge of a Mentor

Even with all the preparation, you may still face unexpected situations in your new role. For example, how do you deal with underperforming employees? Or a brilliant achiever who is not getting promoted because there is no suitable opening?

The best part is there are people who have dealt with these tricky situations before. It could be your boss or somebody else in your company or industry. Seek out such a person and take their advice and assistance on important issues. You can leverage their knowledge and expertise to become a brilliant manager.

Develop an Original Leadership Style

Though it is important to accept and implement advice from your peers and mentors, you must still make the effort to build your own unique and creative leadership style. Don’t worry too much about others’ methods and approaches, but use your brain to formulate an effective way to lead your team members. This will invoke their admiration and trust, and they will become your ardent followers who are willing to go the extra mile for you and the organization. Take the best traits from your boss and mentors, and craft your own original leadership style using your skills and strengths.


Growth is impossible without challenges; therefore meet the demands of your new role with an open and willing mind to boost your work and career. Keep your ego in check and develop a selfless attitude to help your team members with their tasks and goals. This will help you to generate goodwill as well as achieve objectives and targets in a wholesome and fulfilling manner.