
Studies Show That Sitting Down Is Definitely Killing You

Studies Show That Sitting Down Is Definitely Killing YouJust 50 years ago in 1960, over 50 percent of jobs held by Americans required at least moderate physical activity. But now, only 20 percent of jobs require any physical effort at all. The other 80 percent of working Americans are sitting at desks all day long. The switch from moderately active to sedentary jobs means that Americans now burn 120 to 140 calories less per day. Day after day, year after year, those calories add up to steady weight gain and a general decline in health. Even if you exercise and lead an active lifestyle, you still may not be doing enough to ward off the negative benefits of a sedentary lifestyle.

Why Sitting Down Is Killing You

So, why is sitting down so dangerous? As soon as you sit, your body begins to shut down. Activity in your legs stops, your body only burns 1 calorie a minute, fat dissolving enzymes drop by 90 percent, your good cholesterol drops 30 percent and your insulin effectiveness decreases by 24 percent while your risk of diabetes increases. The human body wasn’t made to sit for extended periods of time, and doing so has serious repercussions.

How It’s Being Changed

The dangers of sitting are becoming well known. As obesity and heart disease steadily increase, companies are becoming more aware of the problems with a sedentary desk job. While companies can’t close their doors, they can still encourage employees to be more active. Standing desks, weight loss competitions and frequent breaks can help. Even trucking companies are requiring their drivers to spend less time sitting by installing EOBR (Electronic On Board Recorder) units in each truck. The EOBR unit requires drivers to log a certain number of driving hours and then take time off to rest, sleep and maybe exercise before they can drive more.

What You Can Do

Want to get out your chair more often but you’re not sure how? Check out these easy tips for how you can spend less and less time sitting each day.

Anything you can do to get up every hour, get active and get moving will have great benefits for your overall, long-term health. Make your health a priority and do everything you can to get out of your chair more often.

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